
F.l.: Augstein, Bonanni; photo credit: JKU

Mirjam Augstein Presented with a Venia Docendi/Habilitation Certificate

Vice-Rector Alberta Bonanni presented the computer scientist with her Venia Docendi/Habilitation certificate.


JKU Astros 2025; Credit: Ahmed Ab El Ghany

The JKU Astros Clinch a Spot in the Play-Offs

During a very impressive game at the Kepler Hall on Friday, the JKU Astros went up against the WU Tigers of Vienna.

F.l.: Rector Stefan Koch, Bernadett Humer (head of the Family and Youth Section at the Federal Chancellery), Mirjam Strecker (JKU head of the Department of Gender Equality, Equal Opportunity and Diversity); photo credit: Harald Schlossko

The JKU is Once Again Accredited as a Family-Friendly University

The 2025 certificate award ceremony took place in Vienna's Aula der Wissenschaften.

 Prof. Johann Bacher; Credit: Nikita Kvir

Retirement Ceremony to Honor Univ. Prof. Dr. Johann Bacher

Some 250 guests attended the ceremony, including many representatives in academia, science, research, government, and administration.

F.l.: Florian Krammer (MedUni Vienna), Doris Wilflingseder (Vet Meduni), Otto Doblhoff-Dier (Vice-Rector Vetmeduni), Markus Müller (Rector MedUni Vienna), Austrian Minister Martin Polaschek, Andrea Kurz (Rector MedUni Graz), Stefan Koch (Rector JKU Linz), Wolfgang Fleischhacker (Rector MedUni Innsbruck); photo credit: MedUni Vienna/APA/Schedl

The Ignaz Semmelweis Institute Sets its Focus on Infectious Diseases

The new Ignaz Semmelweis Institute opened its doors at the start of 2025.

F.l.: Chief Physician Dr. Johannes Hofer, Cardinal Christoph Schönborn and Prof. Dr. Johannes Fellinger; Photo credit: Convent Hospital of the Brothers of Mercy Linz

Passing the Baton: Ceremony Honoring Prof. Johannes Fellinger

Over 400 guests attended a very special ceremony at the Convent Hospital of the Barmherzige Brüder Linz.

Presenting the keys (f.l.): Alexander Freischlager (JKU Vice-Rector), Dietmar Prammer (Deputy Mayor of Linz), Federal Minister Martin Polaschek, JKU Rector Stefan Koch, Christine Dornaus (managing director of BIG), Governor Thomas Stelzer, architect Peter Sapp (querkraft), and Michael Tumpel (Dean of the JKU Business School); photo credit: JKU

The JKU Business School’s New Home: Grand Opening of the House of Schools 1

Built by the Bundesimmobiliengesellschaft (BIG) as the client, the Vienna-based architectural firm querkraft designed the new House of Schools 1.

mikrophone des festsaals

Appointment Procedure Presentations “Clinical and Experimental Ophthamology”

The presentation will take place on January 23 at the JKU Faculty of Medicine.

Prof. Sproesser; photo credit: JKU

A Study Involving the JKU Shows the Environment Can Benefit from Hybrid-Held Conferences

In an effort to support a more sustainable future, the European Health Psychology Society (EHPS) seeks to encourage lifestyle changes.