
"Tanz der Zilien", photo credit: photo studio Mirek Dworczak; graphic design: Juliana Lukjantschenko

 “Dance of the Cilia” Premieres at the JKU Circus of Knowledge

The world premiere will take place at 7:00 PM on Friday, January 17, at the JKU Circus of Knowledge.

Award winners f.l.: Lastinger, Stelzl, Enengl; photo credit: KUK

Prestigious Accolades Presented by the German Society of Gynaecology and Obstetrics (DGGG)

Three scholars at the Faculty of Medicine have been presented with awards in recognition of their outstanding achievements.

Dimitri Prandner; photo credit: Alois Pluschkowitz

Special Recognition for the JKU a Founding Member of the Austrian Social Science Data Archive

When it comes to promoting Open Science, the Austrian Social Science Data Archive (AUSSDA) is among the most important one percent in Europe.


Inaugural Lectures: Introducing New Professors at the JKU

New professors at the JKU Faculty of Law will hold their traditional inaugural lectures in January.

Umeå University; photo credit: Mattias Pettersson

The EC2U Alliance Warmly Welcomes Umeå University

Umeå University (Sweden) officially joins the EC2U Alliance in 2025, broadening its outreach and impact.

F.l.: Gabriele Kotsis (JKU), Wilfried Seyruck (Programmierfabrik, sponsor), Matthias Wöß (award winner), Felix Schenk (winner), Nina Brandl (award winner), Achim Mühlberger (Programmierfabrik, sponsor); photo credit: JKU

The JKU Honors Junior Computer Scientists - Felix Schenk Presented with the Adolf Adam Award

Three Johannes Kepler University Linz graduates were presented with this year’s annual Adolf Adam Computer Science Award.

F.l.: Guido Adler (head of the International Evaluation Commission), Elgin Drda (JKU Vice-Rector for Medicine), Christine Haberlander (State Minister of Health), JKU Rector Stefan Koch, Franz Harnoncourt (managing director of Kepler University Hospital; photo credit: JKU

The JKU Faculty of Medicine: Laying a Decisive Direction for the Future

At the recommendation of the International Scientific Advisory Board for Medicine (IWBM), the JKU Faculty of Medicine voluntarily took part in an…

F.l.: Andreas Pfaffenberger (actor in "MondTraum & PlanetenKlang"), Helene Konrath (Körnerschule), Andre Fuhrimann (VS Harbach), Andrea Hummer, Airan Berg (Circus of Knowledge), JKU Rector Stefan Koch, Christiana Stieger (middle school Altenberg), Christoph Helm (JKU Linz School of Education), Werner Schrempf (Festival La Strada Graz), f.l.t.r., photo credit: JKU

The JKU Circus of Knowledge Celebrates its 50,000th Visitor

Since its opening its doors in April 2022 – and just before the holidays - the Circus of Knowledge celebrated its 50,000 visitor.

MORE graduates 2024; photo credit: JKU

The JKU’s MORE Initiative for Refugees Program Proudly Announces Three New Graduates

Roland Mungwele, Hadil Najjar, and Ali Mojahed successfully completed their respective academic degrees.