Renewed Accreditation for Business Informatics at the JKU
As in 2011 and again in 2017, the Agency for Quality Assurance (AQAS e.V.) has once again accredited the Bachelor's and Master's degree programs in…

JKU Study: Inflation Continues to Control Consumer Behavior
According to Statistics Austria, inflation dropped in March, but consumers have not yet responded accordingly.

Leonie Grandt Awarded the Cochrane Austria Fellowship
The JKU med student impressed the jury with her thesis about clinical guidelines.

JKU Historian Presented with Award
The Pro Civitate Austriae Foundation presented Jonas Albrecht, an economic and social historian, with the prestigious award.

"Anatomy for Everyone" at the JKU medSPACE: Strong Public Interest
The fully booked event on February 28 featured the human heart as the star of the show.

Information Regarding the Assault, JKU Campus
JKU Rector Meinhard Lukas addresses colleagues and students after yesterday's attack on a JKU professor.

The JKU Launches a New Alumni Podcast Series
Episodes in the new JKU podcast series, "Hörsaal Ausblicke", will feature hosts Marion Draxler and Christoph Kinast chatting with Johannes Kepler…

The JKU is Lead Partner within the Innovation Community
As such, the JKU serves as a driving force behind a winning consortium vying for an EU submission worth millions of euros.

Watch the 4th JKU medTALK
"A Flight Simulator for the Brain": What once sounded like science fiction is becoming a reality at Johannes Kepler University Linz.
JKU News Archive
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