Assessment Testing Results in 30% Fewer Drop-Outs

The Office of Academic Advising at the Institute of Education and Psychology is once again inviting soon-to-be high school graduates to take part in the assessment testing program.

The assessment testing program has been conducted annually since 1991 and includes a questionnaire on personality types as well as questions to determine if a student’s preferred area of study truly concurs with his/her interests and skills. The program also helps prospective students decide what kind of degree to pursue.

According to a study, students who take part in the assessment testing program do better during their studies and experience higher student satisfaction which in turn results in a more efficient use of the JKU’s financial resources.

Previous academic studies on whether or not those who took the test benefitted as opposed to those who did not take the test revealed that

•           The drop-out rate was reduced by 30%

•           Students handle the degree program’s demands and requirements better

•           Students successfully completed a higher number of examinations

•           Students completed their studies faster

•           Students can better assess their own success in the program

The 2018 Assessment Testing program is conducted by the JKU together with the State Education Authority and the Upper Austrian state government. There are no fees to take the test and the State Education Authority of Upper Austria will excuse the absence of those taking the test at the JKU.


Location: Johannes Kepler University Linz – Raiffeisensaal, HS 1
Date: February 12 - 15, beg. at 9.00 AM
Fields of Study: Technical Sciences, Mathematics, Computer Science, Teacher Education Studies in Natural Sciences (Mathematics, Computer Science, Chemistry, Physics), Law, Social Sciences, Economics & Business.
Register by: February 7, 2018.
Detailed Information and Registration:, opens an external URL in a new window