Austrian Student Union Academic Advising for New Students

Studying in the Age of Information: In February, the Austrian Student Union will offer academic advising services to new students.

Admission to begin studies in March will begin starting on January 8. Students from the JKU Austrian Student Union who are further along in their studies will offer newly enrolled students helpful, first-hand information about how to organize a schedule, choose classes, and understand the curriculum.

Die ÖH-Beratungstage finden am 8. und 13. Februar 2018 im Uni-Center statt. Am 28. Februar um 10 Uhr lädt die ÖH zum Welcome Day mit allen wichtigen Infos rund um die JKU und den Studienstart.

The Academic Advising services by representatives from the JKU Austrian Student Union will be available at the Uni-Center on February 8 and February 13, 2018. The Austrian Student Union will also invite new students to take part in “Welcome Day” events on February 28 beginning at 10 AM.  New students will have an opportunity to learn valuable information about the JKU as well as everything they need to know to kick off their studies.

Click here, opens an external URL in a new window for detailed information.