Business Informatics: New Field "Software Industry"

The software industry not only offers IT business specialists exciting job prospects, but interesting entrepreneurial opportunities as well.

Univ. Prof. Dr. Stefan Koch at the JKU Institute for Business Informatics – Information Engineering takes studies in this field a step further by creating a research and teaching focus that not only encompasses current issues in the field of information management, but also focuses strongly on strategies for digitization and IT and how to successfully implement them.

The program not only includes research projects on pricing models for software as a service, user innovations (particularly in the video game industry), platform strategies or the entrepreneurial potential of computer science students have (in cooperation with the Institute for Entrepreneurship and Organizational Development), but also introducing a new course titled Software Business. This is an integral part of the new focus IT Entrepreneurship in the graduate degree program in Business Informatics.

This course was created by em. o. Univ. Prof. Dr. Friedrich Roithmayr (former department head and Supervisory Board Chairman at the Fabasoft Group) and first held as an open lecture in the “factory300” program during Winter Semester 2017/2018.