Conference "Economy and Monastic Life"

The conference took place on July 9 & 10 at the Lambach Abbey and focused on supporting dialogue between the religious orders and the business community.

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Benedictine bishop em. Maximilian Aichern held a presentation at Lambach Abbey titled "Wächter des Morgen und Übermorgen sein" to 50 participants at the “Economy and Monastic Life” conference. The Institute of Controlling (JKU Linz) and the Lambach Abbey extended an invitation to international experts to attend the interdisciplinary two-day workshop.

The organizers also presented a newly published book titled "Unternehmen und Klöster" (Springer Gabler Verlag). Birgit Feldbauer-Durstmüller, head of the institute, wants to pool aspects of "business administration, ethical questions, and monastic realities". Abbot Maximilian Neulinger (Lambach Abbey) emphasized the interdisciplinary aspect, "that has always been present in theology and plays a key role."