Curious about Science: 3,000 Guests at the Long Night of Research

Over 3,000 guests had their thirst for knowledge quenched as they visited over JKU 40 stands at four university locations.

[Translate to Englisch:] Begeisterung bei Groß und Klein.

Young and old alike got interesting answers to intriguing questions such as: how can cars drive themselves without endangering others? How does artificial intelligence work? Will robots be smarter than us one day? What is a court trial really like? What do statistics really tell us? As a pet owner, what am I liable for? Over 3,110 visitors learned all about these topics and more on Friday, April 13, at locations throughout the JKU campus, at the JKU Softwarepark Hagenberg, at the JKU Life Science Center (Gruberstraße), and at the Center for Medical Research (Krankenhausstraße). The JKU Softwarepark Hagenberg attracted a large number of visitors.

The Long Night of Research event drew over 228,000 people to visit a total of 2600 stands set up at participating institutions throughout Austria. Over 6,000 scientists, researchers, and university faculty members were on-hand to provide information about their respective areas of scientific expertise.