Dr. Julius Ecker Presented with Best Dissertation Award

The law was designed to regulate conduct. Neighborhood Law concerns the respective interests of neighbors, serving to keep the peace. Dr. Ecker was presented with an award for his research in this field.

F.l. Prof. Erika Wagner, Dr. Julius Ecker, em. Univ. Prof. Ferdinand Kerschner at the awards ceremony.
F.l. Prof. Erika Wagner, Dr. Julius Ecker, em. Univ. Prof. Ferdinand Kerschner at the awards ceremony.

Dr. Julius Ecker’s (Institute for Environmental Law) dissertation titled "Nachbarrechtliche Sonderrechtsverhältnisse" focuses on a changed, current living situation and how applying civil law impacts the rights of neighbors. Enacted by the imperial-royal government in 1916, Regulation §§ 364 ff of the AGBG is rather outdated. Two paragraphs in particular focus on colliding property rights of two neighboring property owners. Dr. Ecker’s dissertation explores to what extent today's renting and apartment ownership relationships are sufficiently represented.

The CERHA HEMPEL Best Thesis Award - LAWard 2019 was presented to Dr. Ecker in recognition of outstanding research in the category of dissertations. We would like to take this opportunity to congratulate him on his achievements.