Georg Steinbichler Receives Honorary Gold Pin

In recognition of his services, the Association of Austrian Plastics Processors presented Univ.Prof. DI Dr. Georg Steinbichler (JKU Linz) with an award.

[Translate to Englisch:] Der Preisträger Univ.-Prof. DI Dr. Georg Steinbichler (2. von links) mit Senator h.c. Prof. KommR Dkfm. Dr. Ernst Pöcksteiner, Vorsitzender und Ehrenpräsident der VÖK, KommR Ing. Dr. Michael Pöcksteiner, VÖK-Präsident, und Laudator Prof. Dr.mont. Walter Friesenbichler (von links nach rechts). Bilder: JKU/IPIM

Prof. Steinbichler, head of the Institute for Polymer Injection Molding and Process Automation, received an gold honorary pin by the Association of Austrian Plastics Processors (VÖK). The VÖK presented the award in recognition of Prof. Steinbichler’s contributions to the development of polymer technologies in Austria. The ceremony took place in Vienna as part of a lecture evening at the House of the Austrian Trade Association at Palais Eschenbach.