JKU Researcher Presented with a Venia Legendi/Habilitation Certificate

Vice-Rector Stefan Koch presented Dieter Pennerstorfer with his venia legendi/habilitation certificate.

F.l. Stefan Koch, Dieter Pennerstorfer
F.l. Stefan Koch, Dieter Pennerstorfer

Pennerstorfer, an assistant professor at the Institute of Economics at the Johannes Kepler University Linz, wrote his post-doc dissertation titled "Essays on the Application of Spatially Explicit Data in Industrial Economics", exploring on the relationship between spatial competition and corporate behavior, the influence of consumer information on price formation, and ways to spatially delineate markets using spatially specific data.

Those pursuing a habilitation/post-doc undergo an academic evaluation in regard to special qualifications that proves their ability to independently conduct academic/scientific research and teach the entire depth and breadth of their selected subject area [facultas docendi], This, in turn, is the prerequisite to grant authorization to teach that particular subject area [venia legendi].

About Dieter Pennerstorfer

Dieter Pennerstorfer has been an assistant professor at the JKU’s Institute of Economics since 2017. He was a research fellow at the Austrian Institute of Economic Research (WIFO) between 2008 and 2017, and also held a post-doctoral position at the Vienna University of Economics and Business (WU) between 2014 and 2017. He spent time abroad conducting research at the University of Illinois (USA), the University of St. Gallen (Switzerland), the Research Institute of Industrial Economics in Stockholm, the Jönköping International Business School (Sweden), and at the University of Vienna (Austria). Dieter Pennerstorfer earned his PhD at the Vienna University of Economics and Business in 2008. His research interests fall in the area of empirical industrial and regional economics, focusing on spatially differentiated markets and analyzing spatial relationships using a very regionally disaggregated approach.