Vice-Rector Elgin Drda presented Kurosch Yazdi-Zorn with his venia legendi/habilitation certificate.
During a recent ceremony, the head of the Department of Psychiatry, focus on Addiction Medicine, at the Kepler University Hospital was presented with a venia legendi. Kurosch Yazdi-Zorn conducts research in the field of addiction medicine. His post-doctoral thesis is titled "Klinische Forschung in Randgebieten der Suchtmedizin und Auswirkungen der Corona-Pandemie auf Suchterkrankungen".
Elgin Drda, Vice-Rector for Medicine at the JKU, remarked: "Kurosch Yazdi-Zorn is not only a meticulous researcher, but also someone who cares deeply about his patients. I believe that in addition to his outstanding expertise, he will also pass on his enthusiasm on the subject to his students."
Those pursuing a habilitation/post-doc undergo an academic evaluation in regard to special qualifications that proves their ability to independently conduct academic/scientific research and teach the entire depth and breadth of their selected subject area [facultas docendi], This, in turn, is the prerequisite to grant authorization to teach that particular subject area [venia legendi].
About Kurosch Yazdi-Zorn
Kurosch Yazdi-Zorn graduated with a degree in medicine from the University of Vienna in 2003, earning a doctorate in the field of adolescent psychiatry. He worked as a clinical trainee at the UKH Linz as well as at the Hospital of the Elisabethinen in Linz until 2005, and worked and conducted research as an assistant physician at the University Clinic for Psychiatry and Psychotherapy in Salzburg and at the Landesnervenklinik Linz. Following his residency, he was a senior physician in the acute care station for women at the Wagner-Jauregg Provincial Neuropsychiatric Clinic and in 2012, took over as head of the Department of Psychiatry with a focus on Addiction Medicine, at what is now the Kepler University Hospital. He has been a lecturer and course instructor at the JKU’s Faculty of Medicine since 2018, responsible for the module of Diseases of the Psyche and Psychosomatics, and, since March 2019, he has been Chairman of the Board at pro mente OÖ.