Happy Birthday, Kepler’s Harmonic Law!

When Johannes Kepler discovered the third law of planetary motion 400 years ago, his findings changed the world of science.

[Translate to Englisch:] v.l.: Stelzer, Kepler, Lukas; Land OÖ/Denise Stinglmayr

As a multi-talented and gifted individual in natural philosophy, math, astronomy, astrology, as an optician and theologian, Johannes Kepler’s work "Harmonices mundi" ("The Harmony of the World") was groundbreaking for mankind. Although Kepler lived in various cities around Europe, he spent the longest period abroad in Linz (14 years), repeatedly referring to Austria as his second fatherland and Linz as his hometown. His time in Linz was marked by a happy family life and culminations of his scientific work.

Kepler’s most important place of residence in Linz – Hofgasse 7 – was only discovered recently and Kepler is as much a part of Linz as the university named after him. JKU Rector Meinhard Lukas emphasized, "The fact that the Laws our genius loci penned 400 years ago continue to serve as the basis for today’s celestial physics underscores his pioneering spirit. The ingenuity of JKU’s namesake lives on and exemplifies our university."

In honor of the university’s namesake you can take part in a Kepler Contest. Are you an expert on Kepler? Click here, opens an external URL in a new window and show your skills!