JKU Mathematician Crowned Europe’s Science Slam Champion

Günter Auzinger, professor of Industrial Mathematics at the JKU, has won the Science Slam European Championships in Toulouse, France.

[Translate to Englisch:] Credit: BMBWF/Lusser

After winning the state and national championships, Günter Auzinger prevailed at the European Championships in France and won against five other European contestants. The audience overwhelmingly voted for Auzinger’s English-language presentation about light wave corrections for large telescopes and how this can also help to answer questions about possible life in outer space.

The other Science Slam contestants spoke about their scientific topics through humorous presentations featuring meteorite fragments in the knee, a cooking pot with a lid that embodies a telescope, and a clothes drying rack as a light wave bender featuring little green aliens. Günter Auzinger, also a performing musician, says he strives to incorporate his own style of “humor designed to combat dryness”.