JKU Researchers Presented with ÖGS Awards in Recognition of Outstanding Theses

The Austrian Society for Sociology presented awards to Sandra Maria Pfister and Veronika Prieler.

ÖGS-Preise für JKU-Forscherinnen. Credit: Simon P. Haigermoser
ÖGS-Preise für JKU-Forscherinnen. Credit: Simon P. Haigermoser

Sandra Maria Pfister, MA MA (Institute of Politics and Social Policy, JKU) was presented with an award for her Master’s thesis titled "'Making Sense of the Disaster' - Deutungsmuster des Katastrophischen und ihre institutionelle Einbettung im österreichischen Katastrophenschutz". Veronika Prieler, MSSc (Institute for Sociology, JKU) was presented with an award for the best Master's thesis in sociology for 2017/2018 titled "Forschungslücke Geschlecht? Feministische Theorieansätze zum Wohlfahrtsstaat und seiner Transformation".

The awards ceremony took place at the University of Salzburg during a festive evening event organized by the ÖGS Congress ("Alles im Wandel? Dynamiken und Kontinuitäten moderner Gesellschaften").