The JKU “Science Holidays” Summer Program: Playfully Discovering the World of Science

The Austrian Federal Ministry of Education, Science & Research, the OEAD, and the state of Upper Austria are once again providing funding to support the third annual JKU Science Holidays program at the Johannes Kepler University Linz.

Kindergruppe bei den JKU Science Holidays
Kids enjoying the Science Holidays program

Between July 11 and August 5, 660 children between the ages of 6 and 14 can spend one week of summer vacation playfully discovering the world of science at the JKU through a unique selection of workshops, activities, and excursions. Click here to sign up now!

Once again, this year’s age-appropriate JKU Science Holidays program is diverse, featuring the broad academic spectrum at the JKU ranging from activities to build rocket cars, program computer games, discuss topics that impact the future, to trying their hand in a virtual operating room, or try out different types of sports. The JKU is inviting children and teens between the ages of 6 and 14 to discover Kids Labs, exploration workshops, and take field trips in small groups of max. 15 children. Trained educators and JKU workshop leaders are responsible for supervising 165 children per week (a total of 660 children in four weeks) from Monday to Thursday between 8:00 AM - 4:00 PM and on Friday between 8:00AM - 12:00 PM.

JKU Rector Meinhard Lukas is delighted that the JKU will host the Science Holidays program for the third summer in a row: "The JKU Science Holidays program is a high-quality, exciting, and educational summer program that helps parents with childcare and is fun for the kids. I hope that many children will take advantage of the JKU Science Holidays program to not only playfully discover the world of science, but also bring the JKU campus life in a very special way during the summer. I would like to thank the state of Upper Austria and the Federal Ministry of Education, Science & Research for once again making this program possible. I would also like to thank the entire JKU team for their commitment and putting their hearts and soul into creating a fantastic summer program."

Parents are asked to pay a onetime contribution fee of € 50 per child for the JKU Science Holidays program (for an entire week of activities, including meals, materials and any entrance fees). Rector Lukas added: "A child’s access to education shouldn’t depend on their parents' income or their parents’ educational background. This is why we also provide a scholarship enabling 25 children per week to take part in the JKU Science Holidays program free of charge."

Christine Haberlander, Deputy State Minister for Education, once again supports this year’s program at the JKU and points out: "During the summer vacation in particular, parents are often challenged to balance work and family life. In this regard, I’m very pleased that the JKU has put an innovative and comprehensive summer program together, providing our children with access to academia and science in a fun, playful way."

Children (meaning their parents) can sign up starting now until the end of April at:


  • Time period: One week between July 11 and August 5, 2022.
  • 165 children per week, meaning a total of 660 children during a four-week period
  • A full, supervised day (including meals) on Monday to Thursday between 8.00 AM -4.00 PM, and Friday between 8.00 AM - 12.00 PM
  • Each child can attend a maximum of 1 week and will be allocated to a group for the entire week
  • Small groups of 15 children max. in four age groups of 6 to 7, 8 to 9, 10 to 11, and 12 to 14
  • Trained educators and students in teacher training programs will supervise the children during the week as well as during the breaks. They will also work with the children to develop some of the workshop content.
  • If more children sign up than spots available, spots in the program will be allocated by drawing
  • Parents' fees: € 50 per child for the entire week, including lunch, materials and any entrance fees.
  • 100 children will be able to take part free of charge by receiving a scholarship (25 spots per week)

From the current standpoint, during the summer, the JKU Science Holidays program will be conducted in accordance with the state of Upper Austria’s and the JKU’s Covid-19 safety protocols and mandates in place at that time. Detailed information will be available on in a timely manner.