Making Your Heart Beat a Little Faster: The JKU’s New Technology Ad Campaign

Young, fresh, and at the cutting-edge of our (scientific) times: The JKU’s new technology ad campaign.

(F.l. Action! for the JKU's new technology ad campaign - Sinisa Vidovic's video company FORAFILM), Walter Stromberger ad agency kest), Rector Meinhard Lukas, Tamara Dekum (head of Unikomm), and Dep. Gov. Strugl
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Seven ads highlighting studies in engineering and natural sciences at the JKU’s Linz Institute of Technology (LIT). At the same time, the ads address prospective careers and professions. An engaging and entertaining look toward an exciting future.

“Linz Institute of Totally Exciting Technology”. JKU Rector Meinhard Lukas remarked, "We have created a large-scale advertising campaign designed to be both online and offline, featuring amusing ads about pursuing a degree at the JKU and highlighting the low faculty-student ratio, outstanding research and teaching, and our unique campus in Austria.” He thanked the "valuable support provided by the Upper Austrian government": "Without their support, an ad campaign of this caliber would not have been possible."

Dr. Michael Strugl, Deputy Governor and Economic Minister, emphasized, MINT graduates have outstanding job prospects. There are hardly any other professions that can shape the future so actively and positively and, at the same time, there is hardly another group of companies that receive graduates with open arms. In order for Upper Austrian to remain globally competitive, we need graduates in these areas. Combatting the increasing shortage of skilled workers is already one of our state’s biggest challenges.”

Dr. Strugl reiterated that everyone benefits from the JKU’s new STEM ad campaign: “Young people who choose to pursue one of these degree programs benefit as well as companies who then have well-educated, skilled workers at their disposal. And Upper Austria as a whole benefits as the state can remain competitive.”

Rapid Heartbeat, Fanning the Flames, Flying Plastic
Chemistry and Polymer Engineering, Computer Science, Mathematics, Mechatronics and Physics– six ads focusing on STEM degree programs and appealing to prospective students, such as: “Become an Energy Harvesting Designer”, “Become a Molecular Recycling Expert” or “Become a Body Enhancement Engineer”. The testimonials by Kepler University students include a beating heart in the classroom, being literally on fire for the JKU, and being hypnotically enthralled by flying plastic.

The online ad campaign includes short, amusing videos featuring students and faculty members speaking candidly about opportunities, special features, and unique selling points of the Faculty of Engineering & Natural Sciences (TN) and LIT.

The ad campaign and detailed information about the degree programs:, opens an external URL in a new window

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