Today’s groundbreaking ceremony for the LIT Open Innovation Center and the Industry 4.0 LIT Pilot Factory welcomed many distinguished guests.
Together with partners from industry and the local business community, the Johannes Kepler University is shaping the future: Interdisciplinary research teams will work at the OIC and the LIT Factory. Operations are scheduled to begin in the spring of 2019.
JKU Rector Meinhard Lukas remarked, “The LIT Open Innovation Center is a visible symbol for the JKU’s self-image: Academic and scientific pioneers are working together on the cutting-edge across faculty boundaries.”
Governor Mag. Thomas Stelzer emphasized, “We can only compete successfully on an international level if we are better and faster than the others, especially in the field of research. Countries in the top ten regions today show us that close cooperation between business and academia is a major success factor when it comes to being competitive.”
"Being able to quickly apply research findings to make marketable products, provide services, or create new technologies gives us a competitive edge over other regions," underscored Dr. Michael Strugl, Deputy Governor and State Minister of Economic Affairs.
"The Pilot Factor is a unique opportunity for Linz as a location of innovation,” emphasized Mayor Mag. Klaus Luger.
"Together with the Johannes Kepler University, BIG is investing approximately 25.2 million euros into the Open Innovation Center. BIG and the JKU will serve as a joint project company to rent space to respective users. The Open Innovation Center will be structural accomplishment." explained DI Hans-Peter Weiss, CEO of the Federal Real Estate Company.
"The voestalpine is regarded as a world leader in finding and creating future-oriented product solutions. This has its origins in strong R&D work. For many years now, the JKU has been a very important strategic partner and involved in countless research projects across our entire value chain.” explained General Director and LIT Advisory Board Chairman Dr. Wolfgang Eder.
Architect DI Peter Riepl spoke about the building and added, "In order to work in the field of innovation, new spatial concepts are needed and our rapidly growing understanding of the world enables us to develop multifaceted solutions. Balanced openness inspires creative communication."