State Innovation Award: Special Award for JKU-voestalpine Project

The voestalpine AG and the Johannes Kepler University Linz received the special “VERENA” Award at the 2018 State Innovation Awards.

The award was presented in recognition of the successful research collaboration in the field of “Glued Electrical Steel Packages for Highly Efficient Electric Motors”. The most recent breakthrough came with the “compacore” process in which high-quality electrical steel is bonded to form rotor and stator packages. The central elements of an electrical motor are based on the most recent technology and result in increasing the engine’s performance. Scientific contributions to the methods were made by the JKU institutes of Polymeric Material Testing and Polymer Science have helped to make the voestalpine method particularly efficient. JKU scientists helped to develop new coating systems and sensitive characterization test methods, establishing a fundamental understanding of ageing behavior of laminates. Parcel quality is more efficient and customers are guaranteed reliable product features.

The VERENA E-Novation Award presented by the VERBUND is awarded to companies in recognition of innovative project implementation with universities, colleges, or external research facilities in the area of electrical and energy systems, energy efficiency/management, renewable energies and e-mobility.