Thomas Bieber Presented with the 2019 Maurice Lauré Award

The JKU researcher was presented with the award at the 73rd annual meeting of the International Fiscal Association (IFA).

Maurice Lauré-Preis 2019 an Thomas Bieber verliehen
Maurice Lauré-Preis 2019 an Assoz. Univ.-Prof. Dr. Thomas Bieber verliehen

Assoc. Univ. Prof. Dr. Thomas Bieber (Institute of Corporate Finance Law, Tax Law, and Fiscal Policy, JKU) was presented with the 2019 Maurice Lauré Award at the opening ceremony for the 73rd annual International Fiscal Association (IFA) meeting in London. The IFA attracts leading tax experts in academia, consulting firms and financial administration offices from all over the world meet. Thomas Bieber was presented with the award for his post-doctorate dissertation titled "Import Turnover - The VAT Treatment of the Import of Goods from Third Countries into the EU with Special Regard to the Austrian Import Regulations of the UStG 1994". The award is named after the creator of modern VAT, Maurice Lauré (1917-2001) and is presented in recognition of outstanding scientific work in the field of international or comparative VAT law.