Using the Physical Internet to Help People and the Environment

Fraunhofer Austria and the JKU spin-off company RISC Software Ltd. have developed freight transport capacity planning models.

Successful RISC project
Successful RISC project

These forecasts not only save resources, they also allow for longer-term, more socially acceptable personnel planning. Transshipment points - so-called "hubs" – are an indispensable part of the Physical Internet. Goods can be re-loaded and, if necessary, temporarily stored. This means orders can be pooled together to better utilize the means of transport, something that is both ecologically and economically advantageous (driving fewer kilometers in total). However, precise models are required in order to calculate when and which orders can ideally be pooled together at which hub and how it will affect the price of the order. Researchers in the "ProKapa" research project have spent three years creating these models.