Welcome to the Rectorate at the Johannes Kepler University!

Moving a university resolutely toward a bright future can only be accomplished together as a team. At the JKU, both academic and general personnel work alongside each other and together with university management. Made up of the Rector and five Vice-Rectors, the JKU Rectorate takes on a piloting and coordinating role.

The Rectorate is not only responsible for managing the Johannes Kepler University but more importantly, for creating strategic guidelines to keep the university on the road to success today and uphold standards of tomorrow.



Johannes Kepler University Linz
Altenberger Straße 69
A-4040 Linz/Austria


Schloss Auhof

Gruppenfoto Rektorat F.l. Univ.-Prof. Dr. Andreas Janko, Mag.a Dr.in Elgin Drda, Univ.-Prof.in Dr.in Alberta Bonanni, Univ.-Prof. Dr. Stefan Koch, Mag.a Christiane Tusek, Mag. Alexander Freischlager, Credit: Robert Maybach

The JKU Rectorate Team.

Position Name E-Mail Address Ext. Location
Rector Univ. Prof. Dr. Stefan Koch rektor(at)jku.at 3369 Schloss Auhof, 2nd Floor
Vice-Rector for Academic Affairs Univ. Prof. Dr. Andreas Janko vizerektor-lehre(at)jku.at 3399 Schloss Auhof, 1st Floor
Vice-Rector for Finance and Entrepreneurship Mag. Christiane Tusek christiane.tusek(at)jku.at 3344 Schloss Auhof, 1st Floor

Vice-Rector for Research and International Affairs

Univ. Prof. Dr. Alberta Bonanni alberta.bonanni_vr(at)jku.at 3370 Schloss Auhof, 1st Floor
Vice-Rector for Campus Enhancements, Digitalization and Sustainability

Mag. Alexander Freischlager, MBA

alexander.freischlager(at)jku.at 3316 Schloss Auhof, 2nd Floor
Vice-Rector for Medicine Mag. Dr. Elgin Drda


3378 MED Campus, 8th Floor


„The JKU is one of Austria’s most beautiful university campuses, offering ample space to study, learn, live, conduct research, and work. Thanks to our four faculties and our schools, we have an impressive range of academic disciplines that give us countless opportunities to foster connections between different branches of science and in academia. We intend to utilize our strengths to drive social advancement forward.“
Rector Univ. Prof. Dr. Stefan Koch
Rektor Stefan Koch