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The Dr. Hans Riegel Awards

Are you in your Matura class and interested in submitting your pre-academic/scientific paper (VWA) to a JKU-supported competition?

Send us your pre-academic/scientific paper for review and evaluation by a JKU faculty member and you could win up to € 600!

Together with the Kaiserschild Foundation, the JKU is proud to present the annual Dr. Hans Riegel Awards presented to the three top pre-academic/scientific papers submitted by students in the Matura class at a general secondary school (AHS) in Upper Austria in the subject areas of mathematics, chemistry (including polymer engineering), physics, computer sciences, or biology.


To enter the competition, send us your

  • pre-academic/scientific paper 1x hard copy AND 1x digital copy (sent online)
  • together with the information sheet
  • a statement issued by your supervising teacher
  • and the signed terms & conditions information sheet
  • Send online submissions by using the submission button: see the Info Box

Send your paper to us once by regular postal services and once online. Mail your paper using the address in the Info Box. The Info Box also contains the button to submit your paper and the forms online.


Download the required forms here shortly:
(available in German only)


Kaiserschild Stiftung Logo


The Dr. Hans Riegel Awards

Send submissions to:

Johannes Kepler University Linz
University Communications
Attn: Bernadette Weinreich
Science Park 5, Rm. 329
Altenberger Straße 69
4040 Linz

Submission deadline

April 30, 2025

You could win:

  • 1st Place: € 600.00
  • 2nd Place: € 400.00
  • 3rd Place: € 200.00

Awards for the schools of first place winners: The schools of first place winners can also each receive a voucher for a non-cash award worth € 250!

An official awards ceremony will take place on Tuesday, June 10, 2025, at 5:00 PM in HS 1.

Assessment Criteria and Submission Requirements

  • The selected topics degree of originality, aside from frequently discussed "standard topics"
  • Comprehensive, but also a degree of summarizing coverage of the selected topic
  • The clear use academic/scientific language
  • A clear, factual presentation without emotionizing the reader
  • The use of effective graphical and figurative depictions
  • Correct placing quotations and references
  • Clearly identifiable personal involvement and personal initiative in conducting scientific/academic research, finding sourses, personally conducting field studies or experiments

We accept the following:

  • Pre-scientific/academic paper by students in the 8th class at a general secondary school (AHS) in Upper Austria
  • Only papers written during the current school year in the subject areas of computer sciences, mathematics, chemistry (including polymer engineering), physics, or biology.

Submit the paper as follows:

  • in paper form (once),
  • and 1x online using the submission button in the Info Box (top right),
  • together with the information sheet, the terms & use, and a statement issued by your supervising teacher.

These forms are available above.
You can apply yourself!

Congratulations to this year's 2023/2024 winners:


  • 1st Place: Miriam Patry (Realgymnasium Lambach): „Meilensteine in der Entwicklung der Aussagenlogik
  • 2nd Place: Erika Fischer(Kollegium Aloisianum): „Asymmetrische Kryptographie am Beispiel des RSA-Verfahrens
  • 3rd Place: Stefan Obermayr (Stiftsgmynasium Kremsmünster): „Das Spiel mit der Wahrscheinlichkeit - Die Komplexität der Wahrscheinlichkeitsrechnung bei strategischen Brett- und Würfelspielen


  • 1st Place: Nikolai HERMANN (AHS des Schulvereins Kreuzschwestern): „Untersuchung der Umwandlung von Sonnen- in elektrische Energie mit einer selbstgebauten Stirlingmotor-Anlage
  • 2nd Place: Christian Koller (Akademisches Gymnasium): „Satellitenortung - Geotrackingdienste und Trackingapplikationen im Vergleich
  • 3rd Place: Ayberk Tosun (BG/BRG Gmunden): „Zeitreisen à la Hollywood


  • 1st Place: Anna Waldl (BRG Schloss Wagrain): „Die Methämoglobinbildung unter verschiedenen Bedingungen
  • 2nd Place: Lilian L. Schweitzer (Europagymnasium Auhof): "Entwicklung und Einsatz von Zusatzstoffen in Lebensmitteln - mit Fokus auf zugesetzte Aromen"
  • 3rd Place: Martin Ebenhofer (Europagymnasium Baumgartenberg): „Die Herstellung von Kunststoff und dessen Verarbeitung durch das Spritzgussverfahren

Informatics/Computer Science

  • 1st Place: Pandora Spindler (BRG Steyr-Werndlpark): „Computer Vision - Wie Satelliten mit Hilfe von künstlicher Intellligenz die Welt sehen
  • 2nd Place: Clemens Sageder (BRG Schloss Wagrain): „Building a Custom Language Model using Minimal Compute
  • 3rd Place: Julian Gabriel (BG/BRG Rohrbach): „Emulation von Videospielen: Funktionsweise und Anwendungen


  • 1st Place: Severin Brandstötter (BRG Schloss Wagrain): „Überprüfung der Wirksamkeit eines mittelalterlichen Salbenrezepts mit antistaphylokokktischem Effekt
  • 2nd Place: Mathias Lahnsteiner-Schier (BRG Schloss Traunsee): „Die Anpassung von Salmoniden an steigende Wassertemperaturen
  • 3rd Place: Nathalie Fink(Bischöflichen Gymnasium Petrinum): „Die Determinanten von Intelligenz im Spannungsfeld zwischen Vererbung und Umwelt

These are the 2023/2024 award winners!

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