New FWF-project granted
In its most recent board meeting, the Austrian Science Fund FWF has granted a research project on "Constructive Decomposition of Matrix Multiplication…

New FWF-project granted
In its most recent board meeting, the Austrian Science Fund FWF has granted a research project on "The Elekes-Szabo Problem". The project was proposed…

New FWF-project granted
In its most recent board meeting, the Austrian Science Fund FWF has granted a research project on "Algorithms for D-Algebraic Functions". The project…

Prof. Kauers joins the editorial board of Mathematics of Computation.
Manuel Kauers has been appointed member of the editorial board of Mathematics of Computation, a journal published by the American Mathematical…

D-Finite Functions
Springer has just released a new textbook by Manuel Kauers about D-finite Functions.

Clemens Hofstadler completed his Ph.D. studies
We are pleased to announce that Clemens Hofstadler has successfully defended his Ph.D. studies today. His thesis was written under the joint…

Jakob Moosbauer completed his Ph.D. studies
We are pleased to announce that our colleague Jakob Moosbauer has successfully defended his Ph.D. studies today. His thesis was written under the…

Silver Ph.D. anniversary for Erhard Aichinger
Our colleague Erhard Aichinger defended his Ph.D. thesis 25 years ago.

Yurii Zhuchok receives an Ernst Mach Grant – Ukraine
We are pleased to announce that Prof. Yurii Zhuchok from the Luhansk Taras Shevchenko National University (Poltava, Ukraine), who is a visiting member…