Neue Publikation: New Perspectives in the Co-Production of Public Policies, Public Services and Common Goods
This book features the output of the transversal working group in public and social economy set up under the auspices of CIRIEC’s International Scientific Council. It prolongs the book Providing public goods and Commons, Towards coproduction and new forms of governance for a revival of public action (, öffnet eine externe URL in einem neuen Fenster.
It is the result of a call for contributions launched in 2019 with a selection process of responses, and then to a collegial process of coordination and interactive progress of the work.
The book is the third one of the online collection CIRIEC Studies Series. It is in accordance with CIRIEC’s vocation to develop scientific analysis on the potentialities and action of public economy and social economy organizations in the implementation of general interest.
The book combines analyses of academics and researchers, specialists of social and solidarity economy organizations and public policies. Their scientific expertise and their territorial knowledge bring a varied and detailed light to showcase profound transformations on a planetary scale which are part of a new paradigm of public action.