Konferenzbeitrag: Australasian Conference on Information Systems (ACIS) 2024 in Canberra
Andreas Hutterer, ein Mitarbeiter des Instituts für Wirtschaftsinformatik - Information Engineering, nahm an der Australasian Conference on Information Systems (ACIS), einer der renommiertesten Konferenzen in diesem Bereich, teil. Auf der ACIS präsentierte er (Co-Autorin Barbara Krumay) das Paper „Scopes of Governance in Data Spaces“.
What is his paper about?
"Data sharing across organizations has become a significant factor in the data economy. Data spaces are one approach to data sharing due to the built-in possibility to achieve data sovereignty. In this context, the importance of data room governance is increasing with the proliferation of data rooms. So far, however, the governance of data spaces has hardly been researched. This study fills this gap by applying a systematic mapping approach and analyzing 59 studies in the existing literature to clarify governance in data spaces. The results of this study reveal three primary areas of governance: ecosystem, technology and operational governance, which also reflect a tendency towards federated settings. Thus, the potential of federated governance approaches to promote the autonomy and sovereignty of data owners in data spaces seems to be the future development in this area."
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Want to learn more about the conference?
The ACIS`24, was hosted by the University of Canberra, 4-6 December, 2024
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