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Linz School of Education
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Assoz. Univ. Prof. Dr. Uwe Monkowius

Curriculum Vitae

Assoc. Prof., School of Education, STEM Didactics

Assoc. Prof., Institute of Inorganic Chemistry

Venia docendi in Inorganic Chemistry

Deputy Head of the Institute of Inorganic Chemistry

Group leader, Johannes Kepler University Linz, Austria

Post-doctoral position in the group of Prof. Dr. H. Yersin at the Institute of Physical Chemistry, University Regensburg, Germany

Chemist in the R&D department, Prisman GmbH, Germany

Ph.D. thesis supervised by Prof. Dr. H. Schmidbaur: “Synthesis, Structure and Coordination Chemistry of Selected Phosphororganic Compounds and their Nitrogen and Arsenic Analogues” (summa cum laude)

Diploma thesis at the Institute of Inorganic and Analytical Chemistry (Prof. Dr. H. Schmidbaur): “Synthesis, Structure and Reactivity of 5-Organyl-5-phospha-spiro[4.4]nonanes”

Study of Chemistry at the Technical University Munich

Fellow of the “Studienstiftung des deutschen Volkes”

Study of Chemistry at the Friedrich-Alexander-University Erlangen/Nürnberg