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Institut für Elektrische Messtechnik
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Zu vergebende Arbeiten.

Bachelor- und Masterarbeiten

Hier finden Sie eine aktuelle Übersicht über offene Themen zu Bachelor- und Masterarbeiten. Bei Interesse setzen Sie sich bitte mit Herrn Prof. Marco Da Silva oder dem jeweiligen Themenverantwortlichen in Verbindung.

Digital Microfluidics Analysis of a T–Junction

Fluid flow in microchannels can be utilized for manifold applications, e.g.: Lab-On-A-Chip, micromixers, study of transport phenomena, etc.
T-junctions are often used for example for drug delivery, where microdroplets need to be generated with specific properties. A continuous phase 𝐶𝐶 cuts off a dispersive droplet phase D.


  • Review of microchannel theory and important microfluidic key figures
  • Select optimal type of T-junction and define control parameters
  • Automation of setup via Matlab / Python
  • Verification of the given droplet parameters
  • Perform simple microfluidic tasks with resulting droplets

Contact: Dipl.-Ing. Dr. Andreas Tröls


Spatially-resolved strain measurement with conductive elastomers for soft robotics

Imperceptible sensors are one of the key areas of research for wearable sensors in textiles or soft robots. In recent years, a number of highly conformable and compliant sensors have been
introduced. However, many of them optimize for sensitivity without addressing the other essential dimensions of sensor quality: specificity and stability. In particular, stability in dynamic
scenarios is often neglected and consequently some piezoresistive phenomena in polymeric materials are not fully understood. Spatially resolved techniques such as electrical impedance
tomography or matrix-based sensors are promising avenues for improvement.