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International Council on Knowledge Management.

Main Event:

20th International Conference on Knowledge Management + CIKI + GFIC 

            3 Conferences - 1 Event

🔹 International Conference on Knowledge Management (ICKM)

🔹 Congreso Internacional de Conocimiento e Innovación (ciKi)

🔹 Global Forum of Intellectual Capital (GFIC)

ICKM Conference 2025

27. - 28. November 2025, ISCTE-IUL, Lisbon, Portugal

Welcome to ICKM

The ICKM Council has been established to promote Knowledge Management practice and methodology. Its objective is to transfer know-how between members of an active community

In particular, we support

  • Sharing of expertise
  • Scientific endeavors
  • Events to share knowledge and experience
  • Publishing of findings

We cooperate with academic organizations, associations, institutions and enterprises.