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Institut für Computational Perception
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FWF funds two new projects at the Institute of Computational Perception

Our researchers Markus Schedl and Arthur Flexer received two new projects at the total sum of more than 1 million Euro.


ISMIR award_faces

Tracing globalization brings CP best student paper award at ISMIR 20222 conference.

Oleg Lesota and Emilia Parada-Cabaleiro were the lucky ones to receive the prize at the conference-site.

Apa Science

Der unwissende Algorithmus

Ein Auszug aus Markus Schedl´s Forschung in einem Artikel in APA Science.

APA Science

Digitale Stereotype

Ein Artikel in APA Science über den Rausch der Digitalisierung

DCase JudgesÁward

CP Team receives Judges' award for Low-Complexity Acoustic Scene Classification at DCASE2022 Workshop

The Judges' award for Low-Complexity Acoustic Scene Classification in the DCASE22 Challenge goes to the CP members Florian Schmid, Shahed Masoudian,…

Ö1 Logo

Wie man neugierige Webseiten zähmt

Ein Radiobericht in Ö1 Journal um Fünf "Digital Leben".

Heidelberg Matinee 2

MAINS Matinee

Ein Vortrag von Gerhard Widmer in Begleitung von Carlos Cancino Chacon

Markus Schedl

Fighting Fire with Fire: New JKU AI Conceals Personal Information from AI Recommendation Systems

The JKU has developed a method to conceal individual, personal traits when searching for information but without compromising search and…