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Machine Learning: Unsupervised Techniques (1UE)

Course no.: 365.078 (group 1)
Lecturers: Johannes Brandstetter, Johannes Kofler
Times/locations: Mon 14:30-15:15, room MT 226
Start: Mon, March 4, 2019
Course no.: 365.095 (group 2)
Lecturers: Johannes Brandstetter, Johannes Kofler
Times/locations: Mon 13:45-14:30, room MT 226
Start: Mon, March 4, 2019
Mode: UE, 1h, weekly
Registration: KUSSS, opens an external URL in a new window
Course no.: 365.097 (group 3)
Lecturers: Johannes Brandstetter, Johannes Kofler
Times/locations: Mon 14:30-15:15, room MT 226/1
Start: Mon, March 4, 2019
Mode: UE, 1h, weekly
Registration: KUSSS, opens an external URL in a new window


This practical course complements the lecture Machine Learning: Unsupervised Techniques and aims at practicing the concepts and methods acquired in the lecture.


  • Error models
  • Maximum likelihood and the expectation maximization algorithm
  • Maximum entropy methods
  • Basic clustering methods, hierarchical clustering, and affinity propagation
  • Mixture models
  • Principal component analysis, independent component analysis, and other projection methods
  • Factor analysis
  • Matrix factorization
  • Auto-associator networks and attractor networks
  • Boltzmann and Helmholtz machines
  • Hidden Markov models
  • Belief networks
  • Factor graphs