

Students with Disabilities/Chronic Illness

Institut Integriert Studieren

Accessibility Statement

1. Statement regarding Accessibility

The Johannes Kepler University of Linz endeavors to make its website accessible in accordance with the Web Accessibility Act, in the currently valid version , opens an external URL in a new windowas amended, implementing Directive (EU) 2016/2102 of the European Parliament and Council on October 26, 2016 regarding website accessibility and mobile applications for public authorities, opens an external URL in a new window (official bulletin L 327 of December 2, 2016, Pg. 1).

This accessibility statement applies to the website

2. Status of Compliance with the Requirements

This website partially complies with Conformance Level AA of the "Web Content Accessibility Guidelines Web – WCAG 2.1, opens an external URL in a new window" in accordance with applicable the European standard "European Standard EN 301 549 V2.1.2 (2018-08)" in lieu of the following incompatibilities and/or exceptions.

The Johannes Kepler University Linz is committed to continually updating the content, structure, and composition of in the future in order to ensure certification based on WACA.

3. Inaccessible Content

The content listed below is inaccessible in lieu of the following:

a) Incompatibility with the Accessibility Regulations

  • Some images are given alternative wording even though these images are for decorative purposes. At times, some images (such as information graphics), however, lack alternative wording. In these terms, WCAG success criterion 1.1.1 (non-text content) is not fulfilled. Web editors are trained and made aware of the correct use for alternative texts.
  • Heading layers are sometimes used incorrectly (elements are not marked as headings even though they are visually a heading or elements are marked with the wrong heading layer). When integrating research documentation, screen readers cannot see the displayed tables. In this regard, WCAG success criterion 1.3.1 (information and description) is not fulfilled. During the course of the WACA process, these technical aspects are continuously solved. In addition, web editors have been trained and made aware of how to use structural levels correctly.
  • The image wording is difficult to read at times. The contrast is too low when hovering or selecting elements in the main navigation menu. In regard to informational graphics and the Info Box headings, there is sometimes a lack of required contrast values. In this regard, the WCAG success criterion 1.4.3 (contrast (minimum)) is not fulfilled. During the course of the WACA process, the technical aspects are constantly addressed.
  • When using a screen reader, the search function cannot be opened using keyboard (when using NVDA + Firefox). When integrating research documentation (intellectual capital statement), the filter cannot be navigated to using the keyboard. In this regard, WCAG success criterion 2.1.1 (keyboard) is not fulfilled. During the course of the WACA process, the technical aspects are constantly addressed.
  • Page titles sometimes do not match the breadcrumbs or main heading. As a result, WCAG success criterion 2.4.2 (page titles) is not correctly met. Web editors are trained and made aware of how to use page titles and corresponding headings correctly.
  • Sometimes, the link purpose is insufficiently described i.e. link "Learn More"). The links in the search results list on the results page have no link title. In this regard, WCAG success criterion 2.4.4 (link purpose (in context)) is not met. During the course of the WACA process, this aspect will be technically solved. In addition, web editors are trained and made aware of using link texts correctly.
  • The focus for the search result lists (incl. page selection) is not visible. Therefore, WCAG success criterion 2.4.7 (visible focus) is not fulfilled. During the course of the WACA process, the technical aspects are constantly addressed.
  • Sections of a page in another language are not marked with the corresponding lang attribute. Texts in English are not marked as such in the search results. In this regard, the WCAG success criterion 3.1.2 (language of parts) is not fulfilled. During the course of the WACA process, this aspect will be technically solved. In addition, web editors are trained and made aware of how to correctly use language.
  • When switching between tabs on the search results page (website, people, research documentation), the selection of "select search field" (page title vs. all fields) always resets. In this regard, the WCAG success criterion 3.2.1 (pertaining to focus) is not met. During the course of the WACA process, this aspect will be technically solved.

b) Disproportionate Burden

  • The videos embedded on are hosted primarily on YouTube. Unfortunately, some of these videos fail to provide the required audio descriptions. In this regard, WCAG success criterion 1.2.5 (audio description recorded) is not met. In our opinion, rectifying the situation would create a disproportionate burden in terms of the accessibility regulations. An alternative solution for this type of content will only be provided if necessary.

c) Content does not fall within the scope of applicable legal regulations

  • Many (mainly older) PDF files and Office documents, are not accessible. For instance, as PDF documents are not tagged, those using screen readers are unable read and use the files/documents, or can do so only to an insufficient extent. In this regard, the WCAG success criterion 4.1.2 (name, role, value) is not met. We are currently making every effort to make new documents accessible in accordance with WCAG 2.1 and PDF/UA before publishing.
  • Subtitles are not provided for live videos. This means that WCAG success criterion 1.2.4 (live subtitling) is not met. Live videos are excluded from Directive (EU) 2016/2102. There are currently no plans to provide subtitles to live videos.
  • Content provided by external parties not in the Johannes Kepler University Linz’ sphere of influence is exempt from Directive (EU) 2016/2102. In regard to content by external parties, no statement can be provided regarding compatibility to the accessibility rules.

4. Creating this Accessibility Statement

This statement was prepared on November 4, 2020 and updated on January 3, 2023.

The website compatibility assessment using the WZG to implement the requirements as outlined in the Directive (EU) 2016/2102 was conducted in May 2019 in the form of a self-conducted accessibility test in accordance with WCAG 2.0 in conformity level AA. Level 1 pages (homepage, search, overview pages) were checked to assess recurrent/standard elements and level 2 pages were checked to assess page-specific elements.

Tools Used

Firefox is used as the main browser, in combination with NVDA and JAWS. However, to examine special cases in detail, Chrome (featuring NVDA) was also used. To check the mobile/responsive perspective, Firefox was scaled down or zoomed, but in several cases, Chrome on Android incl. Talkback and Safari on iOS, incl. VoiceOver, were also used in a series of cross-checks. To check Skiplinks to content Chrome in combination with NVDA was used. With other combinations of browser and screen reader, there may be restrictions in operation.

Additional tools that were used include:

  • Color Contrast Analyzer for Windows
  • WAVE Plug-in for Firefox and Chrome
  • Web Developer Toolbar for Firefox and Chrome

5. Feedback and Contact Information

The website’s content and technical foundations are being constantly developed; usability and accessibility are very important to us.

If you experience any barriers that prevent you from using our website - problems or any shortcomings in regard to compliance with accessibility requirements – please do not hesitate to contact us.

Please send all messages and suggestions to: website(at) and put "Reporting a Barrier in the Website:" in the subject line. Please describe the problem and include the URL(s) of any page(s) or document(s) in question.


Johannes Kepler University of Linz
Altenberger Straße 69
A-4040 Linz / Austria
E-mail: website(at)

6. Enforcement Procedure

If you are dissatisfied with the responses provided by above-mentioned contact address, you can contact the Austrian Research Promotion Agency Ltd. (FFG) by submitting a grievance. The FFG accepts grievances electronically using the following contact form.

Form to contact the Complaints Office, opens an external URL in a new window

The FFG will examine the grievance to determine whether or not it violates the Web Accessibility Act, in particular any deficiencies in compliance with accessibility requirements as outlined by the federal government or an assigned institution.

If the grievance is warranted, the FFG must submit recommendations to the federal government or the legal entities involved and propose measures to remedy the existing deficiencies.

Additional information about the grievance procedure , opens an external URL in a new window

7. Simple Language

The Johannes Kepler University of Linz endeavors to ensure its website is as accessible as possible. Are you experiencing any problems using our website? If so, please do not hesitate to contact us and describe the issue: website(at)