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Linz Institute of Technology
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Linz Institute of Technology (LIT).

The Johannes Kepler University has always been known for more than just engineering and has a reputation for tradition, technological creativity and accomplishment.

The Linz Institute of Technology, or simply LIT for short, brings these ideals together, becoming the place where tradition meets the future. Researchers from different departments and across faculties in the field of technology and engineering can come together and connect here. Many internationally active companies are involved, providing their support as cooperation partners in order to drive research of tomorrow.

Teaching and research go hand-in-hand at LIT. JKU scientists conduct cutting-edge research and pass their expertise on to the next generation. Students "learn by doing" and are actively involved in conducting 'the research of tomorrow'. All subject areas and departments at the Faculty of Engineering and Natural Sciences work together here.

Linz Institute
of Technology

LIT Office


Altenberger Straße 69
A-4040 Linz, Austria




News 26.03.2024

The Start-Up Teams for the 2024 Danube Cup have been Selected: The Winners of the JKU Pre-Selection Process!

This year's pre-selection competition for the 2024 Danube Cup took place at the LIT Open Innovation Center on March 20, 2024. Four JKU start-up teams took part in order to qualify for the pitching competition in May. Under the direction of Univ. Prof. Dr. Elisabeth S.C. Berger, the pre-selection competition took place as part of the course, "Innovation & Entrepreneurship".

News 16.07.2024

Members from the JKU Energy Institute Joined a Delegation to Italy

JKU scholars took part in a research trip to Italy.

Delegation in Italy: Bramerdorfer and Reichl with Energy Minister Achleitner; photo credit: JKU
News 04.06.2024

New colleague wanted!

The LIT Robopsychology Lab is looking for a secretary for 20 hours per week. Who would like to join our team?

Gruppenfoto mit fünf Personen, die freundlich in die Kamera lächeln. Alle tragen Shirts mit dem Logo des Labs und Namenschilder.
News 21.05.2024

JKU Best Practice Teaching Award for Thomas Gegenhuber and Laura Thäter.

The JKU annually awards the 'Kepler Awards for Excellence in Teaching' to recognize innovation in and implementation of excellent teaching. As part of this, Thomas Gegenhuber and Laura Thäter were honored with their course 'KS Fundamentals of Integrated Management' in the 'Best Practice' category.


Event 04.09.2024

On the (Side)line: LIFT_C at the ARS Electronica Festival

Digital platforms and AI applications have become integral to our social and economic life. The digital corporations, however, often shield consumers from the reality of their operations. Under precarious working conditions, these invisible workers watch and remove problematic user-generated content from social media platforms such as Facebook, Instagram, and TikTok. This type of work is primarily manual, and these workers make sure that violent and graphic content is kept off of the platforms. They also play a crucial role in training AI tools to avoid making racist or malicious statements.

Event 06.09.2024

G’sungen, g’rappt & g’stanzlt: What you should definitely know about artificial intelligence

FRIDAY, September 6, 2024, 4:00 PM - 5:30 PM
at Ars Electronica Center Linz, Deep Space 8K

Event 31.08.2024

Deadline for the CALL for EC²U's 4th Annual Entrepreneurial Week in Coimbra, Portugal

Are you ready to polish and improve your entrepreneurial spirit and tackle real-world challenges? We invite you to take part in "Entrepreneurial Week" in Coimbra (Portugal), a inspiring event designed to spark your creativity and hone your interpersonal skills.