If you intend to enroll at the university to pursue an academic degree, you need "general university entrance qualifications".
The most well-known form of university entrance qualifications is the Austrian "Matura" diploma. If you would like to pursue an academic degree but you do not hold an Austrian "Matura" diploma, there are other options to qualify for enrollment.
Admission to a Master's degree program is subject to other requirements.
Enrollment to some academic degree programs require an admissions procedure in addition to general university entrance qualifications,
Student Information & Academic Advising Services
Johannes Kepler
University Linz
Altenberger Straße 69
4040 Linz
Bank Building, 1st Floor, Room 107
The Austrian "Matura" (Reifeprüfung) is offered at Austrian secondary schools (AHS, BHS, HTL, etc.). Once you successfully pass the Matura examination, you are academically qualified to enroll at any university in Austria and pursue an academic degree.
If you hold international university entrance qualifications, you may be subject to taking supplementary examinations.
An alternative to the Austrian "Matura" examination completed as part of secondary school education in Austria, the vocational school-leaving examination (Berufsreifeprüfung) also qualifies you to enroll at an Austrian university.
This examination is also taken at a secondary-level school and is equivalent to a "normal" school-leaving exam, qualifying you to enroll at any Austrian university.
If you successfully pass the University Enrollment Eligibility Examination at the JKU, you will only be qualified to pursue a degree that is part of one area of study. This examination is not equivalent to the Reifeprüfung or Berufsreifeprüfung.
Click here for detailed information about the University Enrollment Eligibility Examination as well as what the advantages of passing the exam are:
Having successfully earned a (three-year minimum) academic degree awarded by a post-secondary educational institution (i.e.. teacher training college, university, university of applied sciences, etc.) in Austria or abroad also counts as academic qualifications and permitting you to enroll for studies at the JKU.
If you are still missing corresponding content and your international university entrance qualifications are not considered comparable to the Austrian "Matura" or Berufsreifeprüfung, you can take supplementary examinations at the JKU to ensure your university entrance qualifications are comparable to the required Austrian university entrance qualifications.
During review of your application for admission, the Admissions Office will determine whether or not you will be subject to taking additional supplementary examinations.
Depending on what kind of examinations you will be required to take, and whether or not you attend preparation courses, you can take the examinations as part of a pre-study program.