“Close cooperation with research institutes is very important for Bosch. Our cooperation with the JKU in the field of machine learning over the past three years is a good example of professional knowledge transfer between research and business. This has led to high additional value for Bosch. Artificial intelligence is a key technology for Bosch and the topic of machine learning has occupied us for years. The past few years have been very successful for Bosch in terms of further development in this area - the new insights gained at the JKU have contributed to this and further increased the use of these technologies. At the same time, we were able to offer the doctoral candidates practical access to exciting projects.” Patrick Miklaszewicz, Bosch
DeepInsight (2024-2027), opens in new window
Borealis_2023, opens in new window
Borealis AG
Trumpf_2023, opens in new window
Trumpf SE + Co.KG
AI4GreenHeatingGrids (2023-2026), opens in new window
FFG Arteria Technologies GmbH, Universität Graz Institut für Mathematik und Wissenschaftliches Rechnen
Protein Design and Optimization (2022-2025), opens in new window
UCB Biopharma SRL
Stars4Waters (2022-2026), opens in new window
EU Horizon Europe
Epilepsia (2022-2024), opens in new window
FFG JKU, Institut für Wirtschaftsinformatik – Software Engineering (Konsortialführung), FiveSquare GmbH, Kepler Universitätsklinikum GmbH
Zertifizierung von Machine Learning Systemen (2022-2025), opens in new window
TÜV Holding GmbH, Software Competence Center Hagenberg GmbH
Sensonic, opens in new window
Sensonic GmbH
AI-RI (2021-2026)
Medical University of Vienna