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DIGI-Sense, Exploring the Body as Part of a Digital Sensemaking Process

DIGI Sense

Experience Post-Digital Transformation / Welcome Digital Sensemaking

As humans undergo the process of redirection towards innovative technologies, we move beyond cognitive processes of sense-making to explore the embodied, sensorial, and aesthetic ways through which the human body gives meaning to digital and technological tools and processes. The Institute of Business Informatic's DIGI-Sense project begins by presenting three phases created in collaboration with performance artists. When it comes to scientific research and advancing innovative technologies during the post-digital era, we will demonstrate just how important artistic research.

An introduction and presentation by Claudia Schnugg, Daniela Brill and Christian Stary

Live Performance: Synch with Change: The Body in Digital Sensemaking by Andrea Vezga and Klemens Kohlweis

How does the human body make sense of changes during the current digital era? We experience processes of information digitization, work processes, and models. Our hands, fingers, movements, and senses have to undergo a sensemaking process in order to keep up with technological changes and digital platforms, tools, and even human interactions. This performance by Andrea Vezga (dancer) and Klemens Kohlweiss (artist) explores the subtle ways in which the body senses, expresses, and makes sense of these changes. The performing body influences - and is influenced by - technology, exploring the idea of digital twins through sensors, sound, and movement. This allows the audience to experience the uncertainty and processes between the human body and the body of technology as they visually merge with each other, synchronizing with the transformation.

DIGI-Sense: The research team will present the processes and findings from the first and second phase. The presentation includes contextualizing theory and research for practitioners, as well as recapping the collaborative art-science research with artists during the first two phases: "Mimicry" by Marko Markovic and Laura Stoll, and "Drawing Exercises" and "The Distance Between Us Is Music" by Antoni Rayzhekov.

Program schedule:
4:00 PM: Introduction and Context
4:10 PM: Synch with Change
4:30 PM: Presentation of the DIGI-Sense process and findings
4:45 PM: End

The presentations will be held in English.


Time & date

September 06, 2023

16:00 - 16:45 PM

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Circus of Knowledge


JKU, Altenberger Str. 69, 4040 Linz