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Institut für Algebra
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News & Events

FWF Logo

FWF application "Equations in Universal Algebra" approved.

In its board meeting on June 30, the Austrian Science Fund FWF has approved Erhard Aichinger's grant application "Equations in Universal Algebra". The…


Master's Program Computer Mathematics

A new curriculum will come into effect in October 2020


Stefano Fioravanti completed his Ph.D. studies

Stefano Fioravanti successfully defended his thesis "Clonoids, clones, and Mal’cev conditions".


Papers at ISSAC'20

The Institute for Algebra is proud to have four accepted papers at this year's ISSAC.


Exam Lineare Algebra II Summer 2020

The exam will be held online. Details are available in Moodle.


AAA100 abgesagt

Konferenz AAA100 wegen der derzeitigen SARS-CoV-2 Situation abgesagt.


Seminar nun im Online-Modus

Das Seminar Algebra und Diskrete Mathematik wird über ZOOM abgehalten.