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Institut für Algebra
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Willkommen am Institut für Algebra

Algebra ist einer der klassischen Teilbereiche der Mathematik. Wir vertreten diesen Bereich in Forschung und Lehre und stellen damit die theoretischen Grundlagen zur Verfügung, die Anwendungen in vielen anderen Bereichen der Wissenschaft finden.

Unser Institut deckt mehrere Themen aus der Algebra ab. Ein Schwerpunkt unserer Arbeit ist die Computeralgebra, das heisst die Entwicklung von Algorithmen zur automatischen Lösung algebraischer Probleme. Ein weiterer Arbeitsschwerpunkt ist die Universelle Algebra, wo man sich mit abstrakten Verallgemeinerungen der klassischen algebraischen Strukturen beschäftigt. Ein dritter Schwerpunkt ist schließlich die Theorie der Fastringe, die in den vergangenen Jahrzehnten maßgeblich in Linz entwickelt wurde.

Institut für Algebra


Johannes Kepler Universität Linz
Altenberger Straße 69
4040 Linz


Science Park 2,  3. Stock, Raum 372

Öffnungszeiten Sekretariat

DI: 12.00 - 17.00 Uhr
MI: 07.30 - 15.30 Uhr
DO: 13.00 - 18.00 Uhr

News 03.08.2024

Prof. Kauers is Distinguished Visiting Professor

As a recognition of his long-term collaboration with Prof. Shaoshi Chen, the Academy of Mathematics and Systems Science of the Chinese Academy of Sciences has selected Prof. Kauers as distinguished visiting professor of the year 2024.

Along with France, Canada, and Austria, China is one of the leading countries in the area of computer algebra. In particular, there is a large group of excellent computer algebra researchers at the Chinese Academy of Sciences in Beijing. One of them is Prof. Shaoshi Chen. His interests in creative telescoping and D-finite functions align well with the research area of members of the Institute for Algebra. It is therefore not surprising that an intensive and fruitful exchange between Linz and Beijing has developed over the years. The exchange has led to many joint publications and several coadvised Ph.D. students in the past. As a distinguished visiting professor, Prof. Kauers is spending a part of this summer in Beijing in order to develop this highly productive collaboration further.

News 26.06.2024

Thi Xuan Vu will move to Lille

In an age where it is increasingly difficult for young researchers to find permanent employments in an academic environment, it is our pleasure to announce that Thi Xuan Vu, currently working as a postdoc of our institute for an FWF grant of Manuel Kauers, has just accepted the offer of a permanent position as "Maître de conférences" at the University of Lille, France. Starting from fall 2024, she will join the widely recognized CFHP team led by Francoise Boulier and Francois Lemaire. We wish her all the best for her future career.

Thi Xuan Vu
News 24.06.2024

JKU Young Researchers Awards

We are proud to announce that four former members of our institute were awarded today for their excellent Ph.D. theses today.

JKU Young Researchers Awards
News 11.06.2024

LARD 2024/1

The first Linz Algebra Research Day of this year was held today.