Zur JKU Startseite
Institut für Technische Mechanik (TMech)
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Accomodation & Travel


Special rates for rooms are available until August 21st, 2021 in one hotel in walking distance (1300 m): 
Raab Heim - Sommerhaus: 54 Euro single room / 86 Euro double room (separated beds) including breakfast

The rooms have to be booked directly before August 21st, 2021 at the hotel using the email-adress: hotel(at)studentenwerk.at
Please quote the code: DAS37

Important information: There is only a restricted number of rooms available near the campus of the JKU.

A map of the region of the Johannes Kepler University with the closest hotel Raab Heim - Sommerhaus.


There are other hotels in Linz, which can be found at 
https://www.linztourismus.at/en/leisure/plan-a-trip/stay-overnight/hotels/search, öffnet eine externe URL in einem neuen Fenster

From most of these hotels you will need the tram No. 1 or 2 which ends at the JKU.


For the journey to Linz
- by plane to the airport you can take a taxi to your hotel.
- by train to the railway station Linz Hauptbahnhof (HBF) you can take a taxi or the tram No. 1 or 2 to the hotel (and later to the campus of the JKU).
- by car you can find your hotel after reservation. 

Information about the city of Linz can be found here, öffnet eine externe URL in einem neuen Fenster.