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Master's seminar (2SE)

Course no.: 365.067
Lecturers: Sepp Hochreiter, Ulrich Bodenhofer
Times/locations: Mon, 10:15-11:45, S3 318
Start: Mon 5.3.2018
Mode: SE, 2h, weekly
Registration: KUSSS, opens an external URL in a new window


Master's Thesis Seminar SS (3SE)

Course no.: 365.080
Lecturers: Sepp Hochreiter, Ulrich Bodenhofer
Times/locations: Mon, 10:15-11:45, S3 318
Start: Mon 5.3.2018
Mode: SE, 3h, weekly
Registration: KUSSS, opens an external URL in a new window


PhD Seminar in Computer Science 3 (3SE)

Course no.: 365.021
Lecturers: Sepp Hochreiter, Ulrich Bodenhofer
Times/locations: Mon, 10:15-11:45, S3 318
Start: Mon 5.3.2018
Mode: SE, 3h, weekly
Registration: KUSSS, opens an external URL in a new window


List of done talks

Date Name
25.06. Markus Vogl
11.06. Andrea Salfinger / Jose Arjona / Michael Gillhofer / Michael Widrich
28.05. Thomas Adler
14.05. Marius Dinu
07.05. Sergei Pereverzyev (ÖAW RICAM)
30.04. Günter Klambauer / Pieter-Jan Hoedt
23.04. Michal Sismis
16.04. Bernhard Schäfl
09.04. Kristina Preuer
19.03. Sebastian Dorl
12.03. Martin Heusel / Hubert Ramsauer