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Seminar SS

Master's Thesis Seminar, 2SE (AI)

Master's Thesis Seminar SS, 3SE (Computer Science)

PhD Seminar in Computer Science 1, 3SE

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Zoom Link https://jku.zoom.us/j/97647616521, opens an external URL in a new window

Please send an email to secretary(at)ml.jku.at if you want to be on the list of talks.


List of talks (start 10:15 am)

Date Name
08.03. Martin Schicklgruber, Natasha Trajkovska
15.03. Andreu Vall, Alexandre Lysov, Georg Unterberger
22.03. Philip Winter, Paulo de Campos Souza
12.04. Monika Heinzl
19.04. Philipp Seidl
26.04. Benedikt Alkin
03.05. Peter Ruch, Max Sandgruber, Michael Widrich
10.05. Philipp Renz, Hubert Ramsauer
17.05. Magdalena Hader
31.05. Fabian Paischer
07.06. Markus Hofmarcher, Kajetan Schweighofer
14.06. Florian Sestak, Christian Steinparz, Markus Vogl, Julian Cremer, (Mykyta Ielanskyi project presentation)
21.06. Raphael Sulzer, Johanna Gottwald, Stefan Moser, Natasha Trajkovska
28.06. Dominik Jochinger, Clemens Kriechbaumer, Markus Vogl
05.07. Martin Gauch, Alexandre Lysov, Johannes Schimunek
16.08. Alexandre Lysov, Florian Sestak, Mykyta Ielanskyi