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Stephan Pühringer; photo credit: Violetta Wakolbinger

Cutting-Edge Science: Two JKU Researchers Honored with START Awards

JKU researchers Richard Küng and Stephan Pühringer are recipients of the coveted START Award.

F.l.: Philipp Seidl and Johannes Schimunek , photo credit:personal

The JKU Participates in the World's Largest AI Conference

JKU PhD candidates Johannes Schimunek and Philipp Seidl took part in a conference in Rwanda.

The Researchly Team

Two JKU Start-Up Companies Nominated for 2023 Danube Cup

The Johannes Kepler University Linz is sending two of its most promising student start-up companies to compete in the 2023 Danube Cup.

Frau mit Mikrofon in der Hand vor großer Leinwand

The 2023 Austrian Citizen Science Conference

The JKU hosted the ÖCSK on April 19 + 20, 2023, where we presented our project "How to Explain AI?".

Frau am Rednerpult vor einer Projektionswand, darauf zu sehen eine Fotocollage einer Ausstellung

Conference on Public Communication of Science and Technology

Kathrin Meyer is at the PCST in Rotterdam, talking about "Communicating AI (and the public myths about it) in an interactive exhibition".

[Translate to Englisch:] Idea Hour

Idea Hour: Lessons Learned After Starting a Company

Dominic Girardi about his lessons learned during datavisyn's entrepreneurial journey.

The Challenge participants; Photo credit: Fotosisa

The Student Plastics Challenge - 9 Hours of Innovative CSR

By holding a student challenge, the LIT OIC and "Teach for Austria" sought to draw attention to the importance of sustainability.


ELLIS research programs: Two new proposals accepted

Great news! We are excited to announce that the proposals ‘Machine Learning for
Molecule Discovery’ and ‘Learning for Graphics and Vision’ have been…

The Christian Doppler Laboratory VaSiCS team (from l to r): Rick Rabiser, Antonio Manuel Gutierrez Fernandez, Hafiyyan Sayyid Fadhlillah, Markus Unterdechler, Shubham Sharma, Philipp Bauer, Lisa Sonnleithner, Elene Kutsia, Ursula Schwarzgruber, Alois Zoitl; photo credit: Kneidinger-Photography

Successful Two-Year Evaluation of the Christian Doppler Lab VaSiCS

Located at the LIT Cyber-Physical Systems Lab, the laboratory successfully passed its two-year evaluation.