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Institute of Strategic Management
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Theresa Füreder, BA MA MSc

Curriculum Vitae

Research Assistant at the Institute of Strategic Management, Johannes Kepler University

Scientific project assistant at the Department of International Management, Johannes Kepler University

Internship at the nbi (new business incubator) of voestalpine Steel Division (project on business model innovation), Linz, Austria

Master studies “Management”, major: “Strategic and International Management in a Digital World”, Johannes Kepler University Linz, Austria

Freelancer IT purchasing department, Miba Gleitlager Austria GmbH, Laakirchen, Austria

Master studies “Entrepreneurship & Tourism”, major: “Marketing Management & Tourism”, MCI Innsbruck, Austria

Internship at Original Travel UK, London, United Kingdom

Exchange Semester at Southern Cross University, Lismore, Australia

Bachelor studies “Tourism & Leisure Management”, IMC Krems, Austria

Several internships in the supply chain management department, High Tech Coatings (Miba group), Vorchdorf, Austria

Core competencies

  • Research on the implementation of open strategy in companies
  • Open strategy processes with a focus on the inclusion of stakeholders, transparency towards stakeholders, role dynamics during open strategy processes
  • Agile project management and agile process design
  • Knowledge transfer between research and practice

Areas of Responsibility

  • Open strategy (inclusion of stakeholders, transparency towards stakeholders, dynamics of open strategy, open strategy process)
  • Implementation of open strategy in companies
  • (Open) business model innovation and the role of boundary spanners

  • Bachelorseminar Strategic Leadership
  • Bachelorseminar Strategisches und Marktorientiertes Management