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Screenshot der Videokonferenz zwischen Bast, Mara, Poschner und Lukas.

Analogue Desire

Together with Gerald Bast and Markus Poschner, Martina Mara was a guest at the "JKU Coronavirus Update" series by Rector Meinhard Lukas.


Experts at the Johannes Kepler University Linz comment about the mandatory Coronavirus app

As part of the new JKU Coronavirus Update series (streamed live Monday to Friday at 2 p.m.), last Friday experts at the Johannes Kepler University…

[Translate to Englisch:] Screenshot einer Online Session mit Videobildern aller Teammitglieder

Remote Team

Motivated and confident, we now work from home. You can keep in touch with us by e-mail.

F.l.: Rick Rabiser, Martin Kaltenbrunner, Alberta Bonanni

Inaugural Lectures by Junior LIT Researchers

During their inaugural lectures at the Uni Center, professors Martin Kaltenbrunner and Rick Rabiser talked about their respective areas of research.

F.l. Rick Rabister, Martin Kaltenbrunner

LIT Inaugural Lectures on March 2

The Linz Institute of Technology would like to extend an invitation to inaugural lectures by Prof. Martin Kaltenbrunner and Prof. Rick Rabiser.

Johannes Schacherl of dataformers

The LIT OIC Introduces dataformers

There’s a lot going on at the LIT Open Innovation Center. We would like to introduce you to some of the departments and companies that call LIT home.

Professor Jakoby übernimmt die Leitung der Internationalen Akademie Traunkirchen.

Prof. Jakoby to Head the International Academy Traunkirchen

At the beginning of the year, the JKU Mechatronics professor succeeded the former head of the International Academy Traunkirchen, Prof. Zeilinger.

[Translate to Englisch:]

Start of the new year

The LIT Robopsychology Lab has begun the year 2020 with a retreat. 

von links: Maria Molina und Stefanie Painsith von Greiner.

LIT OIC Would Like to Introduce: Greiner Technology & Innovation

Greiner AG is a world leader in plastic and foam solutions – and is located in the LIT OIC.