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Business School
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A Navarrese, among the elite of Robotics

JKU BUS: Cristina Olaverri Monreal


New Published Book "Human Factors in Intelligent Vehicles"

Cristina Olaverri-Monreal


Guest Speaker from smarter ecommerce GmbH in LIO Master's Program

One module in the LIO Master's program is dedicated to "Understanding the Digital Economy". In this module, students understand the basic structure of…


Almina Bešić Involved in Two peer-reviewed Journals

Special issues regarding COVID-19


Great Resonance for LIO Student Community Project

In the course "Understanding Innovation", our LIO master students have to come up with a creativity challenge. One group of nine international LIO…


Resilience of Women-Owned Businesses to Crisis in Bosnia and Herzegovina: Key challenges, opportunities and programming options

Project by UN women


JKU Forscherin erste Präsidentin der Intelligent Transportation Systems Society

Prof.in Cristina Olaverri-Monreal wurde zur ersten Präsidentin der IEEE Intelligent Transportation Systems Society gewählt.


JKU Studierende: Souveräne Strateg*innen im „Red Ocean“ des Hyperwettbewerbs

Regeln der Digitalisierung: Disruption, Netzwerkeffekte und Krieg der Plattformen sind Schlagworte der neuen Realität auf digitalen Märkten.


IEEE Intelligent Vehicles Symposium

Keynote in IEEE Intelligent Vehicle Symposium 2020