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Granted Research Project "CD Laboratory VaSiCs"

A CD laboratory will be established at LIT CPS Lab.

The proposal of the Christian Doppler (CD) Lab, opens an external URL in a new window VaSiCS (Mastering Variability in Software-intensive Cyber-physical Production Systems (CPPS)) submitted by Prof. Rick Rabiser and Prof. Alois Zoitl from LIT Cyber-Physical Systems Lab was accepted. Primetals Technologies , opens an external URL in a new windowis the industry partner. The CD Lab aims to conduct research focusing on methodological support for mastering variability in CPPS. A key focus will be on the automatic handling of variability, e.g., analyzing existing CPPS artifacts from the design process of CPPS to automatically extract and model variability information and generating and configuring target artifacts, especially to better support system evolution and future changes in software and hardware platforms as well as tools. Christian Doppler Labs focus on applied basic research (funding is split between government and industry partners) and run up to seven years. The CD Lab VaSiCS is planned to be established at the LIT Open Innovation Center.