The CD Lab aims to conduct applied, basic research focusing on methodological support to master variability in Software-Intensive Cyber-Physical Production Systems (CPPS). A key focus lies in automatically handling variability, such as analyzing existing CPPS artifacts from the design process of CPPS to automatically extract and model variability information and generating and configuring target artifacts, especially to better support system evolution and future changes in software and hardware platforms as well as tools.
Primetals Technologies, opens an external URL in a new window is our industry partner.
We gratefully acknowledge the financial support provided by the Austrian Federal Ministry for Digital and Economic Affairs, the National Foundation for Research, Technology and Development, and the Christian Doppler Research Association. We also want to explicitly thank our industry partner, Primetals Technologies, and the Upper Austrian government.
Christian Doppler Lab VaSiCS
Johannes Kepler University Linz,
Altenberger Straße 69
4040 Linz
LIT Open Innovation Center (Ground Floor)
Univ. Prof. Dr. Rick Rabiser
Univ. Prof. Dr. Alois Zoitl
+43 732 2468 4363
Host Institute
We were quite busy at the SPLC/ECSA Conferences (2.9.-6.9. in Luxemburg):
At the MODEVAR Workshop:
Hafiyyan Sayyid Fadhlillah and Rick Rabiser: Towards a Product Configuration Representation for the Universal Variability Language
Rick Rabiser: Industry Adoption of UVL: What We Will Need
At the ReVolution Workshop:
Alexander Stummer, Anna-Lena Hager, Rick Rabiser: Towards a Flexible Approach for Variability Mining
At the SPLC/ECSA Doctoral Symposium:
Rick Rabiser: How to complete your PhD and why
At the SPLC main conference:
Martin Becker, Rick Rabiser, Goetz Botterweck: Not Quite There Yet: Remaining Challenges in Systems and Software Product Line Engineering as Perceived by Industry Practitioners
From July 1 to July 3 the LIT CPS Lab PhD/Research Retreat ("Doktorandenhütte") took place at Bildungsschloss Weinberg. The PhDs and Post-Docs of the CD Lab VaSiCS participated too. The research goals/directions and strategic decisions about the development of research and teaching at the LIT CPS Lab of course also affect the CD Lab and the CD Lab influences these decisions.
We are delighted that Lisa Sonnleithner, team member of the Christian Doppler Lab VaSiCS, has been awarded the JKU Young Researchers' Award for her PhD thesis. With this award, the Johannes Kepler University Linz (JKU) honors significant academic and scientific achievements of JKU doctoral students.
We would like to thank Fabasoft, Raiffeisen, Saxinger, and Voestalpine Stahl for sponsoring the award.
Members from the CD Lab VaSiCS attended the 18th International Working Conference on Variability Modelling of Software-Intensive Systems at the University of Bern and also gave multiple presentations. One of the lab's core research topics, variability mining (meaning to automatically extract variability information from software artifacts), was, in part, also widely addressed during this conference.