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Christian Doppler Labor VaSiCS

Welcome to the Christian Doppler Laboratory for Mastering Variability in Software-Intensive Cyber-Physical Production Systems (CDL VaSiCS)

The CD Lab aims to conduct applied, basic research focusing on methodological support to master variability in Software-Intensive Cyber-Physical Production Systems (CPPS). A key focus lies in automatically handling variability, such as analyzing existing CPPS artifacts from the design process of CPPS to automatically extract and model variability information and generating and configuring target artifacts, especially to better support system evolution and future changes in software and hardware platforms as well as tools. 

Primetals Technologies, opens an external URL in a new window is our industry partner.

We gratefully acknowledge the financial support provided by the Austrian Federal Ministry for Digital and Economic Affairs, the National Foundation for Research, Technology and Development, and the Christian Doppler Research Association. We also want to explicitly thank our industry partner, Primetals Technologies, and the Upper Austrian government.

Christian Doppler Lab VaSiCS


Johannes Kepler University Linz,
Altenberger Straße 69
4040 Linz


LIT Open Innovation Center (Ground Floor)


Univ. Prof. Dr. Rick Rabiser
Univ. Prof. Dr. Alois Zoitl


+43 732 2468 4363




Publications of the CD Lab VaSiCS


Open Positions and Theses (PR, Bachelor's, Master's)

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Christian Doppler Research Association

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Linz Institute of Technology

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Land Oberösterreich

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Federal Ministry for Digital and Economic Affairs

News & Events

News 19.12.2024

Two Papers accepted in highly-ranked JSS Journal

Very nice surprise just before the winter holidays: two articles with #litCPSlab #CDLVaSiCS co-authors have been accepted in the Journal of Systems and Software 😍 -- the currently third-highest ranked publication venue in the area of software systems according to Google Scholar.

In "Hafiyyan Sayyid Fadhlillah, Kristof Meixner, Sandra Greiner, Antonio Manuel Gutiérrez Fernández, Rick Rabiser: Managing Control Software Variability in Cyber-Physical Production Systems: The V4rdiac Approach" we describe the core of Sayyid's PhD thesis, the V4rdiac Approach, a delta-oriented, multidisciplinary variability management approach for managing cyber-physical production system control software variants.

In "David Benavides, Chico Sundermann, Kevin Feichtinger, José A. Galindo, Rick Rabiser, Thomas Thüm: UVL: Feature Modelling with the Universal Variability Language" we the outcome of a community-driven effort to develop a variability modeling language: the Universal Variability Language (UVL). We envision UVL as a pivotal solution, addressing the limitations of prior attempts and fostering collaboration and innovation in the domain of software product line engineering.

Links to both papers will be added later via update of this post.

Congratulations to all the authors and happy holidays and a good start into 2025!

News 06.12.2024

BMBWF PhD Award of Excellence for Lisa Sonnleithner

Dr. Lisa Sonnleithner, senior researcher at the LIT Cyber-Physical Systems Lab, Christian Doppler Lab VaSiCS received the PhD Award of Excellence from the ministry of education, science and research. With this state award, the best dissertations in Austria are honored every year. The dissertation supervised by Alois Zoitl is a result of the Christian Doppler Lab VaSiCS at the LIT Cyber-Physical Systems Lab focusing on Analyzing and Improving Control Software Quality in Cyber-Physical Production Systems. Big congratulations!

Also see: JKU News Post (German)

 Lisa Sonnleithner and MR Wulz
News 15.11.2024

ÖWGP Doctoral Prize

On October 29, 2024, the ÖWGP doctoral prizes were awarded at the Graz University of Technology as part of the autumn conference of the ÖWGP, the Austrian Scientific Society for Production Engineering, at its ÖWGP doctoral colloquium.

Eleven excellent PhD theses in the field of production science, written at Graz University of Technology, University of Innsbruck, Montanuniversität Leoben, Johannes Kepler University Linz and Vienna University of Technology, were presented at the colloquium of the doctoral prize, which is awarded annually, and then evaluated by a jury of experts from various disciplines.

We would like to congratulate our Lisa Sonnleithner on winning the 3rd place for her work "Analyzing and Improving Control Software Quality in Cyber-Physical Production Systems".

Lisa Sonnleithner and her supervisor Alois Zoitl
News 05.11.2024


Today we celebrated the completion of her PhD in computer science with Lisa Sonnleithner and the completion of his Master's in Computer Science with our former student researcher Dario Romano and their friends and families.

Dario is now pursuing a career in industry for which we wish him all the best. We are very happy that Lisa will stay with us as Senior Researcher and Post-Doc. Stay tuned for their further achievements.

Congratulations again, very well deserved! 🥰 🤩