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Research achievement of the Institute awarded with Pater Johannes Schasching SJ-Prize 2018

On 20 November 2018, the Pater Johannes Schasching SJ Prize was awarded for the 12th time by the Catholic Private University Linz in cooperation with the Federation of Austrian Industry.

The prize is awarded for scientific works that deal with interdisciplinary topics concerning economy, ethics, religion and churches and is dedicated to Father Johannes Schasching, the representative of the Catholic social doctrine.

Among others, a contribution from Michael Kuttner, Prof. Birgit Feldbauer-Durstmüller and Prof. Ewald Aschauer entitled "Corporate Social Responsibility: What We Can Learn from Family Firms" was awarded in the category "Journal Contributions and Essays". The qualitative contribution examines Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) in Austrian family firms and shows that Austrian family firms have always acted responsibly (socially, ecologically and economically), often across different generations of the entrepreneurial family. The social commitment is superficial and primarily addresses employees and the direct corporate environment. The effects of CSR are felt by both the family business and the entrepreneurial family (e.g. image and reputation).

Further reports on the award ceremony are available at the following links:

https://www.iv.at/de/die-iv/preise-und-stipendien/schasching-preis, opens an external URL in a new window

https://www.kathpress.at/goto/meldung/1701183/pater-johannes-schasching-sj-preis-zum-12.-mal-vergeben, opens an external URL in a new window

https://www.dioezese-linz.at/news/2018/11/21/pater-johannes-schasching-sj-preis-ehrt-wissenschaftlichen-nachwuchs, opens an external URL in a new window