- Successful Rigorosum - September 20, 2024
Stefan Baumgartner successfully finished his dissertation and received the doctoral degree.
- Kick-off meeting for HTL diploma thesis
On the first day of their school holidays, diploma students Gregor Radpolt and Carlo Miletic from the Department of Electronics and Computer Engineering at the HTL Leonding met with their supervisors at the Institute of Signal Processing of Univ.-Prof. Dr. Mario Huemer for a kick-off meeting. The topic of the diploma thesis "AI-based active noise cancellation with loudspeaker and microphone arrays" is intended to help demonstrate the feasibility of noise reduction in technical devices (e.g. refrigerators, heat pumps, air conditioners) through built-in loudspeaker and microphone arrays using active noise cancellation. The students receive excellent support from the institute's technician team, represented (from the right) by Manual Feindert (former HTL Leonding graduate) and Anna Werzi. Prof. Markus Lüftner: "With this project, we continue our long-standing cooperation with the JKU. It is a great opportunity for our students to recommend themselves for higher tasks!"

- Austrian Skills - October, 2023
From 04 - 07 October, the Austrian Skills, opens an external URL in a new window took place in Wels, Upper Austria, where young professionals compete in various disciplines to qualify for international competitions (Euro Skills, World Skills). The electronics championship was supported by the Johannes Kepler University and the Institute of Signal Processing and organised by our technicians Simon Dorrer and Manuel Feindert. In the projects developed by both, the participants had to prove themselves in the categories of Circuit Design, PCB Design, Embedded System Programming, Assembling & Testing and Fault Finding & Repair. With the effort of the organisers and the participants we can look back at a successful competition week and we congratulate all participants for their efforts. In the end, Georg Kelih (HTL Mössingerstraße), Jakob Schaumberger (HTL Leonding) and Laurin Lintner (HTL Leonding) stood out with their performances. The ISP wishes them all the best on their further career path and Georg Kelih and Jakob Schaumberger for their preparations for the World Skills and Euro Skills.

- Top EU Participant: ISP Intern Earns 4th Place at the Vocational World Championship
Lorenz Herzog took 4th place in the field of electronics at the World Vocational Championship. Learn more...
- Job Opening - April 29, 2022
PhD researcher position in the field of Neuromorphic computing. (PDF), opens a file
- Job Opening - April 29, 2022
PhD researcher position in the field of Embedded Machine Learning. (PDF), opens a file
- Bronze at the EuroSkills Championships - 15.10.2021
Manuel Feindert won the bronze medal at the European Skills Championships! more..., opens an external URL in a new window

- New institute member - October 1, 2021
We would like to welcome our new staff member, Anna Werzi!
- New course - 06.09.2021
Ausgewählte Kapitel der Signal- und Informationsverarbeitung: Information Theory – Channel Coding (382.062) , opens a file
- New institute members - 01.09.2021
We would like to welcome our new staff members, Vivien Knapp and Ignacio Cousseau!
- New institute member - 01.08.2021
We would like to welcome our new staff member Esmaeil Kavousi Ghafi MSc!
Awards - Upper Austrian Road Safety - 10.05.2021
DI Michael Gerstmair Wins the Upper Austrian Road Safety Award. more...
- New staff member - 01.05.2021
We welcome our new staff member DI Stefan Baumgartner!
- KPMG Traineeprogram
Information about possible education and training for HTL, HAK, and Bachelor graduates can be found here: kpmg.at/kite, opens an external URL in a new window
- Upper Austria Begins 6G Research - 17.03.2021
Silicon Austria Labs and the JKU are forging ahead in the advancement of key technologies to create a wirelessly networked ‘factory of the future’. more...
- JKU Open Days - 17.03.2021
The JKU Open Days will take place at the 8th and 9th of April. We would be very happy to see you there. JKU Open Days - Online, opens an external URL in a new window
- New staff member - 11.01.2021
We welcome our new staff member Katharina Rauhofer!
- Successful Rigorosum - 11.01.2021
We congratulate Ram Sunil Kanumalli for his successful defense of his dissertation!
- Farewell - 31.12.2020
Kyriaki Kostoglou has left the ISP. She was at the ISP for three years and it was a wonderful and productive time!
- Guest Lecture - 15.12.2020
Dr. Peter Kovacs will hold a guest lecture titled "Towards model-driven neural networks" on December 15, 2020.
- Presentation of open BSc/MSc topics at the ISP - 21.10.2020
Members and friends of the ISP presented open topics for BSc/MSc theses. An overview of these topics can be found here, opens a file.
- New staff member - 01.10.2020
We welcome our new staff member Bernhard Gschwandtner!
- Successful Rigorosum - 24.09.2020
We congratulate Stefan Trampitsch for his successful defense of his dissertation!
- Farewell - 15.09.2020
Dr. Peter Kovacs has left the ISP. He was at the ISP for over two years and it was a wonderful and productive time!
- Infineon SummerSchool Event - 25.08.2020
The Infineon SummerSchool Event with the topic "embedded brains @Infineon" will take place from 31.8.2020 till 4.9.2020! Additional information and the links to the onilne sessions can be found here, opens an external URL in a new window.
- New staff member - 01.07.2020
We welcome our new staff member Simon Dorrer!
- New staff members - 01.06.2020
We welcome our new staff members DI Matthias Wagner and Manuel Feindert!
- New staff member - 02.03.2020
We welcome our new staff member Dr. Gergő Bognár!
- Guest Lecture - 6.2.2020
Dr.-Ing. Maximilian Schäfer from the Friedrich-Alexander-University Erlangen-Nuremberg will hold a guest lecture on February 25, 2020 (pdf, opens a file).
- Open Bachelor and Master Theses Presentation - 27.1.2020
Open Bachelor and master theses will be presented on February 04, 2020 at 12:30 (SP3 0535).
- AI Lecture Announcement - 7.1.2020
Ass.-Prof. Dr. Alexios Balatsoukas from TU Eindhoven will talk about "Machine Learning for Signal Processing in Communications, opens a file" on January 14th.
- Christmas Party - 19.12.2019
Once more, the team of the intitute came together to celebrate the christrmas party. We gathered at the Fischerhäusl to spend some enjoyable hours together and to recap this successfull year.
- Anniversary Report - 7.10.2019
The 5 year anniversary report, opens a file of the ISP is now online available.
- Invitation to "Bier & Brez'n Fest" - 1.10.2019
There will be a welcoming ceremony on Oct. 8th at the JKU. The invitation can be found here., opens a file
- Institute Retreat - 27.09.2019
Once again, the ISP went on a retreat for 2 and a half days. ISP members presented their scientific work and we had very fruitful discussions. The social team-building event this year was a tour to the Celts museum in Mitterkirchen.

- Successful Rigorosum - 2.7.2019
We congratulate Andreas Gebhard for his successful defense of his dissertation.
- Announcement: Infineon SummerSchool 2019 - 31.5.2019
Infineon organizes a SummerSchool for interested students on August 26 to 30, 2019. (Details, opens a file)
- Two doctorate degrees - 1.4.2019
Andreas Berger and Marc Kanzian successfully finished their dissertations and received the doctorate degree.
- Staff changes - 01.03.2019
DI Andreas Gebhard left the ISP after more than 4 succesfull years of research. We wish him all the best!
Dr.techn. DI Oliver Lang joined the ISP (again). A warm "welcome back" to you!
- KV Computer-Aided Signal Analysis - Methods and Applications
The lecture "Computer-Aided Signal Analysis - Methods and Applications, opens a file", held by Prof. Dr. Jonatan Lerga starts on 28.02.2019.(Registration, opens an external URL in a new window)
- Invited talk for the Volkshochschule Linz
Presentation 'Signale in Natur und Technik' held by Assist.-Prof. Dr.-Ing. Michael Lunglmayr for the Volkshochschule Linz. Slides can be found here, opens a file.
- New staff members - 01.05.2018
We welcome our new staff members DI Daniel Lagler, Yuneisy Gacía Guzmán MSc, and Kyriaki Kostoglou PhD.
- KV Special Topics in Signal Processing: Multirate Digital Signal Processing
The lecture "Special Topics in Signal Processing: Multirate Digital Signal Processing, opens a file", held by Prof. Dr. Dietmar Wenzel starts on 13.04.2018.(Registration, opens an external URL in a new window)
- Christmas Party - 20.12.2017
Once more, the team of the intitute came together to celebrate the christrmas party. For the cause of teambuilding and fun we startet with a minor challenge, the live escape rooms of the Masters of Escape. After all groups managed to escape we gathered at the Fischerhäusl to spend some enjoyable hours together and to have some thromwacks about this successfull year.

- Open Bachelor and Master Theses Presentation - 5.12.2017
Open Bachelor and master theses will be presented on December 07, 2017 at 13:00 (SP3 0535).
- Another News Report about an ISP Project - 6.11.2017
Another report about a project conducted at the ISP was published here: Link, opens an external URL in a new window, PDF, opens a file.
- News Report about an ISP Project - 2.11.2017
A report about a project conducted at the ISP was shown in "ORF Oberösterreich heute". Link, opens an external URL in a new window.
- Landespreis für Innovation 2017 - 26.10.2017
The project "Short-Range Leakage Cancelation in FMCW Radar Transceiver MMICs Using an Artificial On-Chip Target" (German title: “Unterdrückung kritischer Signalreflexionen zur Erhöhung der Reichweite von hochintegrierten KFZ-Radar-Abstandssensoren”) won the "Landespreis für Innovation 2017". Press releases and articles about the award ceremony can be found here: Link1, opens an external URL in a new window, Link2, opens an external URL in a new window, PDF1, opens a file, PDF2, opens a file.
- The Brain-Computer Interface Designers Hackathon 2017 - 6.7.2017
A possibility to revolutionize brain-computer Interfaces: PDF, opens a file.
- Houska Award 2017 -08.05.2017
The Houska Award is the largest Austrian price for industry-oriented research and yearly honors outstanding projects. This year Univ.-Prof. Dr. Mario Huemer and Dipl.-Ing. Alexander Melzer from the ISP were nominated for the five best among the total 27 contributions in the category “University Research” with the project “Short-Range Leakage Cancelation in FMCW Radar Transceiver MMICs Using an Artificial On-Chip Target” (German title: “Unterdrückung kritischer Signalreflexionen zur Erhöhung der Reichweite von hochintegrierten KFZ-Radar-Abstandssensoren”). The nomination was carried out in a two-step procedure from an advisory board and an expert jury. The project team received the award, which is endowed with 10.000€ for the institute, on May 4, 2017 at the ceremony in Vienna.

- Infineon Austria Innovation Award 2017 - Category "PhD" - 04.05.2017
Infineon Austria yearly honors outstanding PhD theses with the "Innovation Award". Among several nominees from all over Austria, Alexander Melzer convinced the expert jury and was awarded for the best and most innovative PhD thesis in 2017. The award ceremony took place at the Infineon Austria Headquarter in Villach on April 24, 2017. The award is endowed with 2.500€ price money.

- A news clip shows our laboratory - 10.04.2017
A clip shown at "ORF OÖ Heute" shows Thomas Stelzer visiting our laboratory.
- Another article mentions our CD Laboratory - 03.04.2017
"Die Presse" mentions our new CD laboratory in another article. Link, opens an external URL in a new window.
- Ausgewählte Kapitel der Signal- und Informationsverarbeitung: Kanalcodierung - 27.03.2017
The lecture "Ausgewählte Kapitel der Signal- und Informationsverarbeitung: Kanalcodierung, opens a file" begins on 9.6.2017 and will be held by Prof. Dr.-Ing. Dr.-Ing. habil. Johannes Huber.
- Two JKU Projects nominated for the Houska Award - 27.03.2017
A local newspaper reported that two out of five nominated candidates for the Houska award are from the JKU. One of these candidates is the ISP with the Project PDF, opens a file.
- Another Article about the ISP winning the VDE ITG Award - 24.03.2017
The magazine "e&i Elektrotechnik und Informationstechnik" published an article about the ISP winning the VDE ITG Award PDF, opens a file.
- CD Laboratory Opening in several Newspaper - 24.03.2017
10 newspapers reported about the opening ceremony of our CD laboratory on 16.03.2017. Link.
- Grand Opening Ceremony of the Christian Doppler Laboratory - 16.03.2017
We are very proud to announce that the Christian Doppler (CD) laboratory has been officially opened with a great opening ceremony. The CD laboratory is led by Univ.-Prof. Dr. Mario Huemer and Univ.-Prof. DI Dr. Andreas Springer and focusses on future mobile communication transceiver chips.

- Houska Award 2017 - 01.03.2017
Univ.-Prof. Dr. Mario Huemer and Dipl.-Ing. Alexander MelzerThe Houska Award is the largest Austrian price for industry-oriented research and yearly honors outstanding projects. This year the ISP was nominated for the five best among the total 27 contributions in the category “University Research” with the project “Short-Range Leakage Cancelation in FMCW Radar Transceiver MMICs Using an Artificial On-Chip Target” (German title: “Unterdrückung kritischer Signalreflexionen zur Erhöhung der Reichweite von hochintegrierten KFZ-Radar-Abstandssensoren”). The nomination was carried out in a two-step procedure from an advisory board and an expert jury. The award ceremony will take place on May 4, 2017 in Vienna.
- Newspaper Article - 21.12.2016
A local newspaper published an article about Dipl.-Ing. Alexander Melzer and Univ.-Prof. Dr. Mario Huemer winning the VDE ITG award.
- ITG Award of the VDE - 29.11.2016
The German ITG award of the VDE yearly honors three to four outstanding scientific publications in the field of information technology. This year Dipl.-Ing. Alexander Melzer and Univ.-Prof. Dr. Mario Huemer from the Institute of Signal Processing have been awarded with this renowned price for the contribution
Alexander Melzer, Alexander Onic, Florian Starzer, and Mario Huemer, „Short-Range Leakage Cancelation in FMCW Radar Transceivers Using an Artificial On-Chip Target," In IEEE Journal of Selected Topics in Signal Processing, Vol. 9, No. 8, pp. 1650-1660, December 2015.
- VDE-ITG Fachgruppentreffen an der JKU - 14.10.2016
Die Fachgruppe „Algorithmen für die Signalverarbeitung“ von VDE-ITG ist eine Gruppe von Forschern aus Hochschulen, Forschungsinstituten und Industrie in Deutschland, Österreich und der Schweiz zum Thema Signalverarbeitung. Diese Gruppe wurde im Jahr 1986 von Prof. Schüssler und Prof. Mecklenbräuker gegründet. Seitdem tagt die Fachgruppe zweimal im Jahr, abwechselnd an Hochschulen, Forschungsinstituten oder in der Industrie. Bei jedem Treffen ist ein Mitglied der Fachgruppe der Gastgeber und er organisiert das wissenschaftliche Programm, bestehend aus Vorträgen und Demonstrationen aus seiner Organisation. Das Ziel der Fachgruppe ist ein besserer Wissensaustausch zwischen Hochschulen, Forschungsinstituten und Industrie.
Die 62. Sitzung fand am 14.10.2016 an der JKU Linz, organisiert vom Institut für Signalverarbeitung sowie dem Institut für Nachrichtentechnik und Hochfrequenzsysteme, statt. Neben der Vorstellung der JKU Linz und der Institute ansich, wurden technische Vorträge zu Themen aus dem Mobilfunk und der Nachrichtentechnik, sowie der Radartechnik gehalten. Weiters hielt Prof. Dr.-Ing. Bin Yang einen Vortrag zu "Deep Learning".
- Johann Puch Automotive Awards 2016 - 15.9.2016
The contribution of Dipl.-Ing. Alexander Melzer and Univ.-Prof. Dr. Mario Huemer entitled „Mitigation of Bumper Reflections for Increased Range and Accuracy in Automotive Radar Systems“ was awarded with the third price of the Johann Puch Automotive Awards 2016, endowed with 2.000€ price money.
- "Kinderuni" at the JKU - 20.7.2016
The "Kinderuni"-event took place at the JKU. One of the wokrshops was organized by the ISP, where it was explained how bats measure the distance to other objects and how this principle is used in modern electronic devices.
- Christian Hofbauer received his doctorate degree - 22.6.2016
Christian Hofbauer successfully finished his dissertation and received the doctorate degree in Klagenfurt.
- Austrochip - Call for Papers - 01.6.2016
Researchers and students are invited to submit a paper to the Austrochip Workshop 2016 in Villach.
- Kepler Salon - 09.5.2016
Mario Huemer gave a talk at the Linzer Kepler Salon!
A short outlook of his talk with the title "Warum benötigt die Fledermaus keinen Notbrems-Assistenten?".
- ICASSP 2016 - 29.3.2016
DI Alexander Melzer and DI Andreas Gaich attended the International Conference on Acoustics, Speech and Signal Processing (ICASSP, opens an external URL in a new window) in Shanghai, China.
- Three newspaper articles about one of our research projects - 14.03.2016
Three newspapers published articles about a successful project of the ISP in cooperation with GE Healthcare in Zipf, Austria.
- A successful project - 24.02.2016
The ISP successfully completed a project in cooperation with GE Healthcare in Zipf, Austria.
- Newspaper article - 01.02.2016
DI Alexander Melzer was interviewed for an article about his research project.
- ISP goes to Hollywood - 11.01.2016
Members of the ISP were interviewed for a reportage about our research topic Signal Processing Algorithms and Architectures for FMCW Radar Transceiver MMICs.
- New staff member - 16.11.2015
We welcome our new staff member DI Andreas Gaich.
- New staff members - 2.11.2015
We welcome our new staff members BSc Carl Böck and Oliver Ploder.
- U.R.S.I. Young Scientist Award - 1.10.2015
DI Alexander Melzer won the U.R.S.I. Young Scientist Award for his work "Short-Range Leakage Cancelation in FMCW Radar Transceivers Using an Artificial On-Chip Target".
- Seminar - 16.09.2015
The scientific research team of the ISP held a three-day seminar to discuss research and ISP related Topics.
- Good bye - 15.09.2015
DI (FH) Christian Hofbauer left the ISP after many successful years.
- Young Scientists Award - 14.09.2015
DI Alexander Melzer was nominated for the Young Scientists Award at the U.R.S.I. Kleinheubacher Tagung 2015.
- Happy Birthday! - 01.09.2015
The ISP celebrated its 2nd birthday!
- Most popular papers - 31.07.2015
Two papers with ISP members as autors or co-autors are within the top-ten of the most popular articles in the 'IEEE Transactions on Power Electronics' in July, 2015.
- Guest lecture - 9.06.2015
Wohltemperiert in guter Stimmung - Grundlagen zu Mathematik und Musik von Johannes B. Huber, Friedrich-Alexander Universität Erlangen-Nürnberg.
- Consultation hour - 09.06.2015
Next consultation hour Dr. Lunglmayr 13th of July, 2015, at 14:45, more dates on request via email.
- Ausgewählte Kapitel der Signal- und Informationsverarbeitung: Informationstheorie - 16.04.2015
The lecture "Ausgewählte Kapitel der Signal- und Informationsverarbeitung: Informationstheorie" begins on 19.06.2015 and will be held by Prof. Dr. Johannes Huber, opens an external URL in a new window.
- Runtastic GmbH - 19.03.2015
Open positions at Runtastic GmbH.
- IEEE Signal Processing Society - 19.2.2015
The student membership for the IEEE Signal Processing Society is free for one year.
- Ausgewählte Kapitel der Signal- und Informationsverarbeitung - 17.2.2015
The term of application for the lecture Ausgewählte Kapitel der Signal- und Informationsverarbeitung has been extended to 30.4.2015.
- International Conference on Computer Aided Systems Theory - 9.2.2015
Mario Huemer, Michael Lunglmayr, Alexander Melzer and Oliver Lang attended the International Conference on Computer Aided Systems Theory, opens an external URL in a new window in Las Palmas, Gran Canaria.
- Science Slam - 20.1.2015
Michael Lunglmayr attended the Science Slam competition at the Posthof in Linz. (www.scienceslam.at, opens an external URL in a new window)
- New staff members - 1.12.2014
We welcome our new staff members DI Andreas Gebhard, DI Jovan Markovic and DI Christoph Preissl.
- Lakeside Labs - 28.11.2014
Open position at Lakeside Labs.
- Invent a Chip - 12.11.2014
Florian Bemsel held the student workshop within the Invent a Chip competition.
- Vienna Scientific Cluster - 27.10.2014
Open Ph.D position at the Vienna Scientific Cluster
- Architekturen der Digitalen Signalverarbeitung - 1.10.2014
The ISP offers the new course "Architekturen der Digitalen Signalverarbeitung"
- Zeitdiskrete Signale und Systeme - 1.10.2014
The ISP offers the new course "Zeitdiskrete Signale und Systeme"
- SKIDATA AG - 1.10.2014
Thesis or Internship offer at SKIDATA AG
- Seminar - 24.9.2014
The scientific research team of the ISP held a three-day seminar to discuss research and ISP related topics.
- Happy Birthday! - 18.9.2014
The ISP celebrated its first birthday.
- Welcome! - 1.9.2014
We welcome our new staff member Dr. Michael Lunglmayr.
- Houska-award gala in Vienna - 10.4.2014
The winners of the annual Houska award were presented in Vienna within a spectacular gala. The Institute of Signal Processing was nominated and rewarded with 10.000 Euro for the project "Efficient and accurate estimation of internal cell parameters in battery management fuel gauge chips", which was a cooperation between the JKU, the Alpen-Adria-Universität Klagenfurt and Infineon Technologies in Villach.
- Market launch - 3.3.2014
Market launch of the battery management chip developed with ISP contribution.
- Welcome! - 1.2.2014
We welcome our new staff member: Alexander Melzer and Florian Bemsel.
- Nomination for the Houska award 2014 - 24.2.2014
The Institute of Signal Processing has been nominated for the Houska award 2014 together with Christoph Unterrieder for the project "Efficient and precise estimation of internal battery cell parameters in integrated battery management systems".
- Student Paper Contest Awards - 10.2.2014
Andreas Berger and Stefan Trampitsch won the Student Paper Contest Awards
- Optimale und Adaptive Signalverarbeitungssysteme - 6.2.2014
The Institute offers the new course "Optimale und Adaptive Signalverarbeitungssysteme"
- Welcome! - 3.2.2014
We welcome our new staff member: Oliver Lang