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Christopher A. Williams, M.A., M.B.A. -Guest lecture


We are excited to announce our guest lecture by Christopher A. Williams, M.A., M.B.A.

Class: 247.010 CCM Date and time: Thu, 23 April 2020, 13:45-15:00 Place: Virtual meeting on Zoom. Topic of the presentation: Leadership in the global context - focusing on the personal experience of the presenter as a leader

  • Co-founder at Boardman & Williams GbR
  • Professional and research interests: testing of methods and tools for digital transformation for small and medium-sized enterprises (SMEs).
  • Particular focus: the development of industry-specific maturity models and innovative methods (e.g. design thinking to improve the digital capabilities of SMEs.
  • Besides: groups learning environments, in particular, computer-assisted collaborative learning (CSCL), business consulting and executive training & coaching.

Registration link: https://forms.gle/fgixRzYhjRKkHmMK8, öffnet eine externe URL in einem neuen Fenster. Deadline for the registration: 20 April 2020